Chapter 11

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I've fallen, and I've fallen hard. The next morning when I woke up, the money that was on Dan's table last night was gone and for a moment I thought maybe I had just dreamed us making out. I shuffled slightly, feeling something on me but quickly realized Dan as curled around me, his head resting gently on my chest.

I took a deep breath, attempting to wiggle out of his embrace. He shifted, rolling over on his back and off of me. I let out a soft breath and pushed myself out of bed, working through the head ache. I grabbed one of the provided glass cups and filled it up with water, setting it by Dan's side of the bed. I got my own glass and downed it quickly before making cheap coffee. A few minutes later Dan emerged, groaning loudly.

["Harder!" Dan screamed into the pillow.]

"Tylenol?" Dan asked, I shook my head.

"Didn't plan on getting drunk," I answered, shrugging my shoulders.

"Who doesn't plan on getting drunk?" Dan replied, sliding into a bar stool and watching Phil.

"Me apparently," I replied easily, sitting next to him with my own coffee. I took a risk and placed my hand on Dan's leg gently. He didn't seem to mind as he drank his coffee in peace, opening his phone and going through Instagram. I did the same, liking a few photos. My friends Charlie(issocoollike) had just recently posted a photo, I slowed down on it, reading the caption and smiling to myself. I glanced up to see Dan staring at my phone.

"Who's he?" He asked with a distasteful tone.

"A friend," I answered, cautious of Dan's new attitude.

"Sounds boring," Dan snapped back quickly, shutting off his phone and standing up, "I'm going to pack, I'm ready to go home."

I only nodded, watching him walk back to the bedroom.

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