Chapter 23

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Thank you guys so much for all the comments and stuff I read all of them lmao

I found my hand resting on Dan's hip as I let him lean into me, he was drinking a lot and was getting tired quickly. Dan had already met the rest of my family and we would've left already if my mom hadn't insisted we stay.

Now they we in the corner sitting quietly, watching my family converse and eat and drink. Dan shifted to where his mouth was near my ear and spoke quietly, "I love you, Phil." Something inside me fluttered and I smiled, keeping my gaze straight forward.

"You're drunk, Dan," I replied, letting my thumb rub circles on his hip, I heard a soft giggle and I smiled as well.

"True," Dan agreed, "when I'm sober I need you to help me."

"With what?"

"I'm trapped," he whispered so quietly that I could barely hear him above the speakers and I had to strain my ears, "I'm in a place where I don't know what's going on and I'm not happy. But with you, I am happy, just there's so many other factors..." I stayed quiet processing the words. It wasn't uncommon for Dan to admit things while he was drunk he wouldn't say when sober. I stopped making circles on his hip and gently rested my hand on it instead and felt him tilt his head on my shoulder, "Ashton's been keeping me under close watch since he figured out about you, I'm not sure how open my schedule is anymore, I'm sorry," Dan added when I hadn't said anything, I merely shook my head.

"Don't apologize, you've got yourself into a shitty situation," I replied, "I didn't even expect you to want to continue to fake date me or whatever we are anymore."

Dan went stiff, I threw a quick glance to see him with his eyes closed before he shrugged lightly, "I've already told you I love you, and I really like you."

"I know but everything-"

"-is complicated, I know," I sighed softly and shifted slightly more towards Dan, "I'm going to leave Ashton.

I perked up, "Really?"

He nodded in response, not looking very excited though, "I've been promoted in my job, I'm sure I can sustain my mother with my paycheck now."

"Dan, don't you think it's time to..." I motioned beheading myself, which Dan didn't really find funny as he shook his head quickly.

"I can't do that, Phil, you don't understand. She's the only family I have now, without her I'd be alone."

"You'd have me."

Dan made a snorting noise, "if you stay with me," he replied flatly. I frowned but Dan had already stood up, "I want to go home." I stared at him for a few moments, eyebrows knit together in worry.

"Dan-" I began and Dan shook his head, smiling drunkingly.

"Don't," he replied and held out his hand to help Phil up, "lets go, you drive."


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