01 Arrival... I hate this place

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I stalk into the office, glaring at my wonderful brothers back. Note the sarcasm.

"Mister Sinclaire! It is so good to see you again!" The principal exclaims, and I resist the urge to snort.

Yeah, right. The only thing he wants to see is my brother's money. Correction, my money.

"Good morning, Mister Phillips. This is my sister, Lisanna." My brother introduces me as he helps me into my chair.

Damn chivalry.

"Good morning, Miss Sinclaire." The principal greets me, his tone less care-free, a wary look hiding in his eye.

I don't blame him. I just got kicked from my last school.

"Good morning, Mister Phillips. You can relax. I already got the speech. I won't do anything." I say, and he seems to sag in relief.

"Unless I'm provoked." I add, to test his reaction.

That's what happened at the last place. Stupid boy provoked me.

"My sister will not be any trouble whatsoever. Besides, it is only six months until she graduates." Tyson reassures the principal, and I feel like laughing.

This is my third school this year. I think he's counting the weeks.

Though, I decided to quit my actions. Especially if I want to keep control of the Home.

"Good. This is her schedule." He hands the schedule to my brother, avoiding me completely.

Wise choice.

"Goodbye, Mister Phillips." Tyson greets the principal, and I give him a small smile.

His mouth opens slightly, and his face grows red.

Ty and I just barely make it out into the corridor before we burst out laughing.

Well, he bursts out laughing. I keep my emotions firmly in check.

"That was a classic!" He gasps out. "Good grief! The look on his face!"

I smirk at him. "You know, I think you should be upset that the guy you are entrusting me with is having fantasies right now." I remark casually as I get back into his car.

There is no way in hell I'm walking to the dorms.

He gets in, and pulls out quickly. "What if I share his fantasies?" He jokes, and I give him a winning smile.

"I'd cut off your balls, and attach your penis to your nose." I say, my smile still in place.

He starts laughing uncontrollably. "And that is why I love you, little sis." He states, pinching my cheek.

"That and the car." I say, and he grins.

"Yep, won't forget the car." He smiles, giving his car a loving glance.

The car, or beauty, we are currently driving, is a black Ferrari 485 Spider. It is a bit overkill, I agree, and very impractical, but is she pretty?!

I look out the window and realise something. "Um, the dorms are that way." I say, my good mood dropping a little at the mention of the dorms.

"I'm taking you out to eat first, lil' sis." He says, stopping in front of a random restaurant.

"Why thank you, kind sir. Treating me to proper food before delivering me to the evils of dorm food?" I ask.

He laughs again.

"I'm really going to miss you, Lee." He says as he helps me into my chair.

"Yeah, I know."

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