Yesterday is past

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This is only something of a side text, or filler that goes back into the past.  

Doctor Peterson  

"The last witness to the stand can be brought in."

The child that is being led into the court is pale, her eyes wide. She is supported with crutches, and the teenager in the accused stand automatically tries to reach for her. The security guards surrounding the stand forcibly hold him back, their faces tight.

I stand up and move to right behind the teenager, Tyson, and sit down. "I'm here." I murmur softly, causing him to stop fighting and lean back into his seat.

Lisanna steps into the witness stand, and takes a seat. I notice her trembling from here, and so does Tyson. He scowls at the attorney who gets up to interrogate her.

"Lisanna Sinclaire, sister to the accused Tyson Sinclaire, am I correct?" He asks, looking slightly worried.

I doubt they realised that she would look every bit the innocent girl she is, or didn't realise how bad the attack really was.

"Yes, sir." Her voice is small, betraying her fear.

"Your Honour, I don't think she would be a reliable witness. We all know that children lie to draw attention to them." The lawyer states, looking towards the judge.

"Objection." Ty's attorney stands up. "The witness list was given, and you signed it. You knew my client’s sister would be a witness, and you agreed to it."

The attending attorney reddens slightly, whether from embarrassment or anger I wouldn't know.

The judge nods. "Lisanna, do you promise to answer every question truthfully and properly, telling us everything you know?" He asks Lisanna, his face soft. He must have children of his own.

"I'd like to be sworn in, sir. I promise to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God." Her voice is clear, much stronger than before.  She looks straight at her brother, longing visible on her face. "I want Ty-Ty back. Mommy and Daddy don't want me to be alone."

The judge agrees, and they go through the process of swearing in the child.

"Miss Sinclaire, do you love your brother?" The attorney, Michaels, asks, his expression sour.

"Of course I love him." She looks honestly confused at the question. "He's the best brother in the world."

"Did your brother shoot that man?" His next question draws her eyes to a photo of the victim on a big screen.

He is smiling in the photo, dressed in his Sunday best.

The bastard is trying to manipulate her into thinking it was bad of Ty to do it.

Her face pales, fear visible in her eyes and on her face. Her trembling visibly increases, making Ty stiffen.

"Lee, close your eyes, then you won't have to look at him!" His voice draws her gaze away from the picture.

"Silence!" Michaels roars. "You are not allowed to speak!"

Ty's jaw locks. "Lee is traumatised. You are scaring her out of her wits with that picture. Take it off, for her sake." He pleads to the judge, his voice honest, nothing but worry for his baby sister on his face.

The judge nods. "Remove the picture. Mister Sinclaire, no more talking unless it is on the witness stand, understood?" His voice is stern, and the picture gets removed almost instantly.

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