Chapter 2 - Him? Really?

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17 years later.


i rode on the back of Glenstorm, he was taking me back home after two days of training he said that i was now weaponry prepared for any attack. as we approached closer he slowed down the coming to a stop. i swung my legs off from him.

"thank you Glenstorm" i smiled up

"it was nothing Willow, now you best be getting inside Trufflehunter  will be waiting for you" i bowed my head and smiled before leaving.

"we can't let him go he's seen us" i heard Nikabrik

"that enough Nikabrik or do i have to sit on your head again." i heard Papa. i giggled.

"threaten to sit on your head what did you do this time Nikabrik" all eyes were on me as i entered.

"Papa what is going..." i caught eyes with a tanned skin and dark hair boy.

"Telmarine" i glared holding  out my dagger.

"Willow put that dagger away and sit down all will be explained" Papa addressed me i looked at him then back at the Telmarine.

"you make one move to hurt my family and this dagger....goes for the heart" i warned taking off my cloak and sitting down.

"she means it as well perfect shot never misses" Nikabrik smirked

"now you. look what you made me do" Papa scolded the Telmarine i a grabbed some bread cutting out the middle.

"i spend half the morning on the soup" he picked up broken pieces and walked back into the kitchen

"what are you" the boy asked i snorted.

"hum its funny that you would ask that, you think more people would know a badger when the saw one"

no. no, i mean your  Narnian's your supposed to be extinct." he replied still holding up a poker

"sorry to disappoint you." Nikabrik retorted then sat down beside me.

"there you go still, hot" he smiled putting a bowl of soup in front of me and the Telmarine i nodded gratefully and began to eat.

"Since when did we open a boarding house for Telmarine soldiers?" i questioned taking some bread.

"I'm not a soldier, i am Prince Caspian. The Tenth." he stood up i raise one eyebrow

"what are you doing here" Nikabrik asked  i was eating my soup like there was no tomorrow.

"running away" i snorted and wiped my mouth.

"not very princely is it" i commented going up and getting some water.

"my uncle has always wanted my throne . i suppose i have only live this long because he did not have an air of his own." he put the poker down and looked into the fire.

"well this changes things" Papa mumbled

"yeah means we don't have to kill you our selves" i smirked at Nikarbriks response

"yeah your right" he went past us and prepared himself.

"what are you doing " Papa asked

"my uncle will not stop until i am dead" was the reply

"but you can't leave you're meant to save us. don't you know what this is?" he asked holding up a horn but that wasn't any horn. i put my cup down.

"bears and bedsteads is that what i think it is" i stood up looking at the horn Papa handed it to me i looked closer, Papa and Trumpkin  had told the prophecy about me and that was why i went through the things i did.

"but this means..." i trailed off looking at the prince

"A Telmarine really Papa" i whined, the Prince came over and took the horn.

"thank you for your hospitality" were his final words before leaving. i sat back down in my chair.

"at least he didn't blow the horn" i mumbled there was silence which was never good i looked up.

"he didn't blow the horn right?" Papa collected my stuff never saying a word. i groaned figuring out he did then i noticed

"where is Trumpkin"

"he got caught while saving the boy from the pursuers" Papa told me i sighed and grabbed my stuff.

"let me make this clear I'm only following him for the Narnian's if he really is the son of Adam i the prophecy then i have to help, i want a free Narnian as much as any of you" i attached my swards and dagger put on my cloak then my bow and arrows before leaving.

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