Chapter 6 - The How

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we entered the how to see it was now up and running with everyone pitching it to make armour and weapons. a boy who i presumed to be King Peter looked at everything.

"Peter you may want to see this" King Peter left with us behind him they were looking at the picture on the walls which was about their time in Narnia

"it's us" Lucy mumbled

"what is this place" she asked us i furrowed my eyebrows

"you don't know?" i asked looking to Caspian he took a torch off the wall and we led them to the stone tabled after walking down a couple of corridors we reached the steps going down i then took and non used torch and lit it using Caspian's we went to each end of the room and lit it up. carvings one by one were lit until the middle where Aslan stood proudly

Lucy walked up to the table and touched hit before looking back at her siblings.

"he must know what he's doing" Lucy told them

i think its up to us now." Peter responded, more gathered inn as the King began to talk.

"its only a matter of time. Miraz's men and war machine are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting the castle." he paused.

"what do you suppose we do your majesty?" Reep asked

"we need to get ready for it"

"to start planning for.." Peter and Caspian spoke at the same time , the two shared looks but King Peter was winning as if he was to say.' I'm higher that you' i was confused shouldn't Caspian be leading this or me because everyone pledge themselves to us. Caspian nodded for the King to continue

"our only hope is to strike them before they strike us" i stood up

"that is crazy no one has dared to take that castle he turned round to me as i stood beside Caspian

"there is always a first time " the King replied arrogantly  i was beginning to really dislike him.

"we have the element of surprise" Trumpkin told us. my jaw dropped

"who's side are you on Uncle" i folded my arms and clench my fists

"this isn't about sides Willow" i looked away from him.

"we have the advantage here" Caspian informed them

"if we dig in we could proberly hold the off indefinitely " Queen Susan  joined this little discussion

"i for one feel safer underground " Papa spoke

"look i appreciate what you've done here but this isn't a fortress its a tomb"  he told us  the turned back around.

"yes. and if they're smart they'll starve us out." King Edmund added 

"we could collect nuts" Rumpkin offered.

"yes and throw them at the Telmarines...shut up. i think you know where i stand sire"  Reep bowed what was with everyone.

"if i get your troops in can you handle the guard" he asked Glenstorm   who looked at us

"or die trying." he bowed

"that's what I'm afraid of" we all looked at Lucy.


"your all acting like there is two options dying here or dying there" she replied i like this one, unlike her brother 

"i don't think you've been listing Lu..." he was cut off

"no you're not listening or have you forgotten who really killed the white witch" she retorted yes it was official Queen Lucy was my favourite royal.

"i think we've waited for Aslan long enough" Peter walked out as did others Queen Susan said she was going to practice archery if anyone wanted to join us. which i did Papa was holding up a dummy Telmarine we all shot arrow only i hit.

"that was very good Willow as for the others you'll get there...Rome wasn't built in a day" she mumbled the last part.

"how long did it take" Driven asked

"what's Rome" Calo replied

"it's just a phrase" there was another shot and it hit right next to mine.

"nice shot which one of you.."

"good afternoon your majesty i thought you could use some help" we looked to Caspian who looked doe eyed on the Gentle Queen it was funny.

"things are well in hand thank you" Susan looked him up and down.

"i didn't mean to suggest otherwise" he replied

"if you'll excuse me your majesty i think i will go to sward practice" i bowed before leaving

just a word of warning the is more friction between Willow and Peter to come

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