Chapter 11 - Duel/ Battle Part 1

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King Peter and Edmund walked out onto the battle field, Narnian's cheered as he walked onto the field of battle. i sat on the ledge watching with all other archers behind me Glenstorm and fluffy bear were watching close. Peter took the sward of Edmund and stepped into the ring. they began Peter went high attack Miraz and it went on Peter got the back of Miraz in passing and turned round the attacked and defended with their shields.

Miraz knocked Peter helmet of and tried to cut him, Peter swung his blade at Miraz' leg wounding him, the both too up a stance before Miraz went for him be rolled onto the ground before standing back up and going at each other Miraz knocked Peter too the ground and stepped on his shield possibly breaking his arm. Peter attacked and rolled over before somehow tripping Miraz and he fell to the floor.

 A horses neigh made me look over Caspian rose a horse in with Susan i felt a twang of what i think was jealousy or envy but they got of the horse just as a respite was being taken they exchange words Caspian looking up to the ledge of the how. Susan hugged Peter before heading toward us, he lifted up his sward and smiled causing everyone to cheer.

Edmund and Caspian helped Peters during Respite as Susan reached us.

"Lucy did she get through"" i asked i had taken the younger Pevensie not only as my best friend but sibling.

"yeah with a little help" she gestured towards Caspian. i nodded and looked back to the duel Peter rose from his seat now going with no helmet into the ring everyone was cheering ad they wen back into combat Miraz was taking full advantage of Peters injury and was going fast so all that could be done was defence before pushing him into a wall and onto the ground.

Miraz went for him again but Peter used a trick i had used against him and he swung his legs to get back up. he then used the tactics that were used against him and went fast. he took Miraz sward and went for his shield while trying to deliver a blow he was disarmed and punched by the Telmarine King  who then used his shield.

Peter grabbed hold of the shield and swung it over his head and round the Telmarines back, however Miraz having one arm free elbowed the high King  and shoved him into a bolder before going for his sward and trying to deal a blow. Peter defended him off and hit his thigh where he had cut Miraz earlier he clutched it in pain as we cheered.

the was a pause as if someone was talking.

"This is no time for chivalry Peter" Edmund called but after thinking about it he went to walk away which gave Miraz an opening to attack.

"Look out" Peter turned round and blocked the sward before grabbing it and dealing a blow. Miraz dropped to the ground he held the sward up and we waited before he looked at Caspian and held it out i stood up as he took the sward. Caspian let out a battle cry and stabbed the sward into the ground. he walked back and we all cheered i was grinning as he looked up to us archers.

but the cheering and celebrating was stopped was one sentence.

"Treachery they shot him. they murdered out King" i looked at Susan and Trumpkin

"Be ready" we took up our stance. as we saw one of the soldiers go for Peter but he killed him he shouted go and stood where the Telmarines once were. Caspian go on his horse and looked between the ledge and the ring waiting for orders.

Catapults were thrown sending settled dire everywhere and breaking pieces . the cavalry was sent to attack and they began charging towards us.

"Archers at the ready" Susan shouted we all grabbed a arrow. down below Peter looked back at Glen storm and Caspian and they ran back into the how. i waited for the horn to be sounded. when it was i began counting.


"Take aim" Susan shouted we did

"seven...eight... nine..." i counted getting ready.

"get ready" Peter shouted my thought. We watched as the ground collapse beneath the soldiers and them and their horses fell in.

"NOW!" we let ow arrows loose and they hit targets in the pit. we let out a second wave watching them fly again.

"Willow take some arches to the griffins and get ready to fly" Susan ordered i nodded

"let's go" we ran up and each got take by a griffin up in the air i took three arrows and shot them each hitting target i went to take another and shoot when my griffin was shot to the ground i landed with and Oomph and grumbled getting up

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