5. The Mountains

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  I opened my eyes and saw sunlight filter through the gaps of the curtain. I rolled onto the right side of the bed and looked down. Alia lay on the mattress, eyes closed and hair sprawled on the white pillow. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. I waited for a while before I slid off the bed and got changed in the bathroom. 

  I sneaked downstairs, being extra careful with the stairs. I stood outside of Izzy's room, I heard her soft breathing and crept into the kitchen. I emptied out my school bag and opened the fridge door. I started stuffing food into the bag and I grabbed my puffer and continued pushing down the food. 

  "What are you doing so early?" I spun around and a tired looking Alia stood at the doorway.

  "Go back to sleep, Alia, Izzy will drop you back at Mrs Bateman's at around 9," I checked my watch, 7:30. I swung my bag across one of my shoulders and gave her a smile. "One last joke?" Alia asked.

  "A blind man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair." Alia tried to hold in her laugh, instead she gave me a huge grin. 

  "I guess, I'll see you later," I gave her a sad smile and opened the garage door, I turned around to see her, but she disappeared. I sighed and unlocked the car. I reversed it onto the road and gave my home for 16 years one last look and sped off. 

  I set the GPS to the next town, in between was the mountains where Izzy found me. I turned onto the wide long road, the mountains coming into view. There were only a few other cars with me on the road. 

  "Hey." I jumped and pulled the car over, onto the grass. I turned around and saw Alia's smiling face in the backseat.

  "What are you doing here?! I thought you were back home! And never scare me like that when I'm driving!" I said as I looked at her laugh.

  "Hey, I said I was coming with you," Alia said as she relaxed in the backseat.

  "I said it was dangerous and that you shouldn't come," I sighed, sometimes, she can be just too stubborn. I stepped on the gas and continued down the road again. The mountains came into full view, the snow at the top was starting to melt. I parked the car on the grass and I stepped out, Alia behind me. 

  The tall grey rocky mountains loomed above them, the sharp cry of eagles rang above. I started across the wet and muddy grass plain, heading towards the foot of the mountain. I looked at Alia, she was trying to avoid stepping in the huge mud puddles. Her long hair was tied up in a high ponytail, she was wearing a sleeveless top and shorts. 

  I reached the foot of the mountain, the edges of my pants were wet from the dew on the grass. I walked around, looking carefully at the walls of the mountain. Then I came to a stop, there was a huge crack in between the two mountains. I signalled to Alia and I climbed up to get a better view of inside the crack.

  The crack was defiantly not natural, it looked as if someone dug a huge chunk out of the mountain. Inside of the crack was lined with what looked like straw, but it felt like silk. I looked at Alia and gave her a mischievous smile and jumped into the crack.

  I landed with a soft thump and Alia followed me. I looked around and the only light came from above. Then something caught my eye, it looked like a symbol, I walked across the crack and traced my finger through the marks in the wall. 


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