8. Walk in the Park

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I rolled onto my back, sunlight escaping though the cracks between the curtains. Everyone has their own special star. I wondered if my special star was my parents, even though I don't remember them, I had a feeling that they were great parents.

I looked at my phone. 10:43am. I groaned then got out of bed. I crossed the hallways and into the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. My hair was messy, spiking up everywhere. I wet my hands and tried to flatten my hair, without success, I gave up. I brushed my teeth and took a shower.

  After I pulled on a clean shirt and shorts, I climbed the stairs down to the kitchen. There I found Izzy busying herself with the sizzling bacon.

"Where's Alia?" I said as I slumped onto the couch.

"She went over to Mrs Bateman's house to grab her things, Mrs. Bateman agreed to let her stay with us, since she planned a vacation trip to Australia with her friends . She'll be here in 5." Izzy said as she scraped the bacon off and onto a plate. I turned on the TV and the news came on, the familiar news reporter was interviewing a shook end up couple.

"Can you describe the scene to the camera?"  The news reporter said as she shoved a huge microphone into the man's face.

"Well, there was the deep voice...and the bright blue light....and there was an outline of a young girl, can't be more than 16 or 17..." I sat up for this, the man looked frightened and scared. They were describing Riley and Lauren. The nightmares of what happened in the cinema came back to me, I shook my head and continued to watch the news reporter. Then the scene changed and there was a different reporter, he was interviewing a young girl. Lauren Major.

  "I started running away from the monster, dragging my boyfriend with me. His name is Thomas Kenny. He stopped and looked at the monster in the eye, then everything went quiet and I stared at them. Then the monster growled and disappeared through the wall." I was shocked, Riley was such a good lair, he convinced the news reporter and the. I switched the TV off when I heard the doorbell.

"I'll get it," I said as I pushed myself off the sofa. I opened the door to a grinning Alia. She was holding onto a small suitcase, I guess she really was going to move here. I gave her a smile and helped her in. I put all her stuff by the living room door and Izzy smiled at us.

"You guys would make a great couple one day," Izzy said as she sighed and looked at us with love in her eyes. I gave her a look and she laughed. "Poor Thomas, he's blushing!"

"Lets go for a walk, before she starts showing you my baby photos."I said as I pulled Alia to the door "And trust me, you don't want to see those."

Alia chuckled as she closed the door behind her, we headed towards the local park. The grass was wet and the earth was soft. I looked at her, she had the most beautiful smile, I couldn't help but stare. She looked at me and grinned, my face heated up and turned away.

Then I felt her fingers intertwine with mine, and I gave it a small squeeze. We looked at each other, then Alia cracked and started laughing. We found a park bench hidden behind some trees and there was a tiny pond next to it.

Alia sat down and I followed her, our hands still together. She looked up and pointed, my eyes looked where she was pointing at. There was a weirdly shaped cloud.

"Kinda looks like a dog, doesn't it? And if you look it from an angle," She tilted her head, "It looks a lot like a heart."

I looked at her and she seemed to be enjoying herself, that brought a smile to my face. Then she looked at me hand started to lean in, I watched this scene in movies, so I leaned in with her. Then we kissed.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

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