11. The Mall

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I turned off the engine and got out of the car, and unlocked the front door, Alia behind me. My head was swirling, I laid down on the sofa. Alia was in the kitchen, making drinks. Izzy was out, she texted me saying she was out at the mall.

Alia came into the living room and she gave me a small smile before she sat beside me and put her hand on mine. Usually, this was a time for me to crack a joke to lighten the mood, but this time it was different. I just found out that my parents were dead and that a deadly sword was after me.

Then my phone rang, it was Izzy, I picked up.

"You've got 10 minutes or she dies," I froze, it was Riley. I would recognise that metallic voice anywhere. My phone was on speaker, Alia gave me a scared look. I shot up and grabbed the car keys and ran out of the house, Alia locking up after me.

"There's no way we would get to the mall in that time, even without traffic." I said as I started up the car engine.

"If we go on the road that is." Alia flashed me a mischievous grin and reached for the seatbelt. I reversed up the driveway and headed full speed up my street.

"There's a shortcut not far from here, it's down a forgotten alleyway. I think people used to use it for getting stocks to the shops. It's between the shoe shop and the tall apartment." I turned onto the main road, Alia beside me, acting as my live GPS. As I passed cars and angry drivers beeped their horns behind me, all I could think of was Izzy. I already lost my real parents, I couldn't lose Izzy too.

I slowed down to turn into the gap between the shops, it was narrow and I had to go slow. The time ticking away. The alleyway seemed to stretch on forever and ever. Then I saw the alleyway break off and the normal main road came into view. Alia was right, this was a shortcut. We had 3 minutes left. I stepped hard on the peddle and I sped down the road. The mall came into view. 2 minutes. I thought we were going to make it, but then I saw the line of cars. Traffic. I looked around for a parking spot by the road but they're were all full.

Time was ticking. This line wasn't moving, so I pulled the car up at a nearby abandoned warehouse and started running towards the mall. I held on Alia's hand tightly, if Riley found his way to Alia as well, I would be as good as dead. I pushed through the crowd, getting to he main entrance. Even though Riley was crazy, his mission was to kill me and he couldn't afford to expose his true self in front of crowds. So I steered left towards the back of the mall.

  Still holding onto Alia, the crowds around us started to thin as I got closer to the back of the mall. I finally let go of her so she could get her breath back. I turned the corner and I saw them. Izzy was sitting down by the wall, fresh blood dripping from her mouth. Riley laughed and turned towards me.

  "Just in time, Lorale. Sit back and watch the show," Riley advanced onto the panting Izzy and a bright blue flame appeared in his palm. This flame was brighter than the one he had in the park.

"Stop! Don't hurt her! What do you want from me?" I yelled out, running towards Riley now, Alia tried to keep up with me. Riley paused and smiled at me, he extinguished the flame and turned direction so he now faced me.

  "That's the problem with all you Lorale people, you value people around you more than yourself. In other words, your family is weak! That happened to Finlay too, killed his loved ones and he tries to save the day, but all Lorale fall under me!" Then Riley charged ahead, I stopped running, fear took over me. Why did I think I could ever be the hero for once?

  He was closing the distance between us, I knew soon I would be facing Riley, the blue pin would be stabbed into me. I stood rooted in the spot, I couldn't move, it felt like my feet were nailed to the ground. Then I caught site of the bleeding Izzy against the wall, the shaking Alia and I felt a sudden anger burst inside of me. 

  I looked around for a weapon, or something that could buy me enough time to get Izzy and Alia out of here. I saw a rusty crowbar near me, half hidden under a pile of rubbish. Riley was getting closer now, I saw him slowly start to pull out the pin. He was in front of me now, I swung at Riley as he rushed past me. He stopped abruptly and Lauren knelt to the ground. She was holding onto her left shoulder, blood seeping through her fingers.

  "Get up, you weak mortal!" Riley shrieked. I didn't waste another second, I ran towards Izzy and picked her up. For a full grown woman, she was pretty light. Alia seemed to unfreeze and she ran beside me as we headed towards the car.

  I laid Izzy down on the back seat and climbed back behind the wheel. I started up the engine and put it into drive. Looking at the rear mirror, I saw Lauren finally stand up.

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