7. Star-Gazing

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I opened my eyes and looked around, I was in the living room and I was alone. I sat up and looked at my watch, 1:30pm. I sat up and I saw Alia coming into the room, she was balancing a plate on her hand.

"So, how are you, Kamo Lorale?" Alia said with a playful smirk as she sat down beside me.

"I've got millions of questions swimming in my head, can I just have a cookie?" I sighed and reached for the plate, Alia pushed it forward and the glass of milk wobbled dangerously. I yawned and dipped my cookie into the milk.

"Where's Izzy?" I asked with my mouth full, Alia giggled as I tried to say it without getting cookie bits everywhere.

"She's out shopping for groceries," Alia said as she munched on her own cookie.

  "So Riley wanted to finish the Lorale bloodline, but I wonder what my family did that made a legendary sword master angry?" I said as raised and eyebrow, then I heard the front door lock turn and Izzy came into the living room.

"So, you've finally woke up," Izzy said as she smiled at means she dumped the bags of groceries onto the kitchen counter and sat down in her arm chair. "I guess it was pretty big news, huh?"

I nodded, then she gave me a soft smile and stood up and left the room. The rest of the day went by pretty fast, I went to the local park for a walk and to clear my head. Alia stayed at home to help Izzy. It was starting to darken when I finally turned onto my street. I unlocked the door and found Izzy and Alia in the kitchen, cooking up a wonderful dinner.

  I left them to it and climbed the stairs to my room, I flopped onto the bed and sighed. The first week of the school holidays were nearly over, I wonder if Lauren was going to go to school, or live on the street with Riley still in her head. I slid the glass door open and leaned out of my balcony. The sky was clear apart from a few thin wisps of clouds, as the sky continued to darken, the stars slowly started to appear.

  "Hey, dinner's ready." I looked behind me and saw Izzy stand at the door, hands crossed over her chest.

  I gave her a slight nod and started to pull away from the railing, then she stopped me. "Everyone has that special star that shines the brightest, because that star reminds them of the person they love, it's just up to you to find it." I looked up and saw Izzy point at a star on the right.

  "That's my star, it reminds me of your father, Ian. He might not be here by our side, but he's up there somewhere." I looked at the star, it did seem to shine a little bit brighter than the rest, but it didn't stand out.

  "You coming? I made you your favourite, macaroni and cheese." Izzy said as she gave my hand a squeeze and left me standing on the balcony, staring at the stars.

  Everyone has their special star.

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