Chapter 1 - Hello, reality, I'm not pleased to meet you at all.

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My flight landed in New York, it was time to start my first year at my dream college, AIU (Arcadia international university). I was excited, scared, curious, it was as if I was feeling everything at the same time.

It was nice to finally be done with high school and enter the real world. I decided to mark this day as a new begining.

I took my luggage and got done with all the airport stuff then called an uber so that I can reach my university dorms as soon as possible. I was tired and this was basically the first time I was doing things on my own so all this responsibility was making me panic.

My uber arrived and about an hour later, I reached the AIU campus, it was huge and everything about it was soo fascinating, I wanted to explore every bit of it right away but I remembered that I have to reach my dorm room before my roommate does so that I can choose and stay in my preffered side of the dorm room. Sounds silly but I mean, I'll have to live there for a year or I don't even know how long so I want to try and have a pleasant experience.

I chose the dorms which had bathrooms in each room instead of the typical one on each floor system. I had to pay a little extra for that and these dorms were co-ed but like I said I wanted to have the best experience and of course, I'd have to share my room with a roommate but how bad can it be? I had already specified that I'd only live with a female roommate in my dorm.

Luckily, I arrived at my dorm room before my roommate did. I chose the bed on the right which was attached to the wall and quickly started arranging my stuff.

After hours of unpacking and arranging I was finally done. My roommate still wasn't here, so I had the room to myself and plenty of time to relax.

College is different, better and mature. In a few hours from now, my roommate will arrive and we'd instantly click and become best friends, I'm sure.

Just as I peacefully lay my head on the not-so comfy pillow in my dorm bed, I hear a knock on the door.

Annoyed, I got up from my bed and walked towards the door. The relaxing part? some other time now.

With curiosity tickling me everywhere, my hands reached for the door knob, twisting the door open. A girl wearing layers of clothing stood outside my room. Which, according to me was a bit strange as it was still hot from summer.

She had long black hair that resembled a wig, she had braided them nicely and had a ton of nasty looking makeup on by which I could easily make out that she had no skill or whatsoever when it came to makeup or obviously, even clothing. I mean, I'm no beauty guru but after watching beauty tutorials on YouTube for god knows how long I've definitely mastered the art of makeup and all things beauty, or at least I think so.

Turning my attention back to the girl standing in front of me, I got rid of the weird look on my face and plastered a huge smile instead.

For all I know, she could have a great personality.

She smiled back and said "Hi, I'm Lyla, nice to meet you" to which I responded saying "I'm Serena, nice to meet you too" and keeping the fake smile plastered on my face, I continued "looks like we are going to be roommates for a while now" to which she replied saying "Yes and I'm glad to be sharing the room with you but for now, I think I'll need to arrange my stuff so will you please excuse me?" Her voice was definitely weird. Anyhow, I nodded my head and moved away.

Lyla is nothing, literally nothing like I imagined my roommate to be and she succeeded in waking me up from my dream.

Hello, reality, I'm not pleased to meet you at all.

I wanted to scream and break a few things but since my roommate is here and I'm living in a college dorm from now on, I'll need to change my ways and calm the fuck down. So, I decided to take a nap for a while.

Liking the story so far? Sorry for the slow start, I promise it will get better as you move forward.

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