Chapter 7 - Quit talking about last night

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I woke up as the sunlight from outside the window flashed, it was too bright to go back to sleep now. It's a Sunday and college starts
from tomorrow. I'll need to make sure that I shut the window and pull the curtains each night before sleeping or else I'll end up waking up at an undesired time everyday.

I was yawning and rubbing my eyes when I spotted a boy in a towel going inside the washroom which was on the right side of the room.

Or at least I think I did.

I couldn't see much as the washroom was on the other side of the cupboard so, I immediately got up and walked towards the washroom, the bathroom door had been shut by then.

I knocked twice and waited for a response. When no response came, I knocked for the third time and asked "Tell me quick, who's inside?"

"Umm, Lyla. What's wrong?"

Oh so it was Lyla. Strange, but again, what's not strange about her?

Giggling a little I said "Ohh, I'm sorry. Nothing"

I made it a point not to trust my morning eyes from now on.

*Knock Knock*

I heard a knock on the door of my dorm room and quickly opened it to see who was knocking this early in the morning.

It was Cami and Sasha.

"Hey, thanks again" Cami said while returning the outfit that she had borrowed.

"No problem" I smiled and took my outfit from her.

While coughing a little, Sasha stepped forward "Coming to the point now, we were here to ask you if you wanted to come with us for a city tour?"

"A city tour, today?" I wasn't really sure about it so, I thought about it for a while before continuing "Sure, sounds great"

"Yayy!" Sasha and Cami exclaimed.

They both had smiling faces but suddenly Cami's expression changed into a slightly suspicious one "By the way Serena, where did you disappear last night?"

Oh no. Should I lie or tell them the truth?

"Yes, we were looking for you everywhere, we didn't have your number so we couldn't even contact you. We were worried" added Sasha.

I settled for the truth "Yeah umm sorry, I actually left the party with this guy..."

"OH MY GOD, tell me everything" was obviously Sasha's reaction. She gets excited for everything but why was she coughing so much?

Cami started teasing me "Ahem ahem, that's fast"

"Omg you guys, don't take it in that way. I spilled my drink on him so I had to make it up to him" I clarified before they take this whole thing to another direction.

"Well, was he hot?" Cami asked.

"Was he cute omg? tell me everything" Sasha added.

"Yeah, very" I told them as last night flashed in front of my eyes. He was very good looking indeed "Nothing happened, we drove around Manhattan and had ice cream, it was fun though"

"Now we know why you were giggling when we first walked in here, someone's got a crush"

Well, that's not why I was giggling but I guess, Cami could be right.

"I'm so happy for you, did you get his number? When will you introduce him to me? Did you...." *Cough Cough* Sasha continued coughing and bombarding me with questions.

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