Chapter 9 - The hot hunk is scared of rats

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I can't explain how happy I am. What I just found out was better than anything else, my life is complete now.


"I'd like a Kit Kat milkshake with extra kit kats, thank you" I told the person who took the order. She had the you're-going-to-get-fat look on her face. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'll order a spiced cappuccino" Caleb finally decided what he wanted to order and then turned towards me "One thing I know for sure now is that you love Kit Kat, easy to bribe you then"

"NOW YOU KNOW MY WEAKNESS, THIS ISN'T FAIR" I yelled, like I didn't scream too loud or anything but a few people who were sitting beside our table heard us and shot glares at me. Ignoring it, I continued "Now you'll have to tell me your weakness"

He got a little uncomfortable because of the glares but looked amused or I'd say impressed by the way I ignored it. "What? No way"

"You have no other choice, spill it, NOW" That earned me a few more glares from the people nearby but I obviously didn't react. I did make it a point to be a little quieter though.

He hesitated for a second "Well okay, I'm scared of rats and cats, don't tell anyone" he looked a bit embarrassed, how cute.

"Oh, so the hot hunk is scared of rats" our orders had arrived by that time and I was happily drinking my milkshake while giggling about his fear of rats and cats until I almost chocked on my straw when I realised what I had said.


"So you find me hot?" He questioned me, the smirk was evident on his face.

"No, I, NO...I mean...don't..."

He started laughing like a weird flappy seal and not in a good way.

"Got your point, don't worry. Your stammering though..."

"What about it?"

He finally stopped laughing and while looking at my eyes he said "It's so cute...I mean, it's funny" he then immediately looked away.

We had a bit of an awkward silence after that.

I was the one to break the silence first "They are so hard fisted with the kit kats here, they need to add so much more" I grinned and sat back as I finished my milkshake.

"Gosh, there was so much Kit Kat in there, I got diabetic just by looking at it"

"There's no such thing as too much Kit Kat, get that?" I rolled my eyes at him.

He started laughing, yet again. This time like a constipated platypus without a bladder. Seriously, what was so funny about what I said?

I then remembered that I don't have his number so I decided to ask him "By the way, don't you want my number?"

"I don't think I need that, you'll bump into me and we'll somehow meet every now and then" he joked and then handed his phone to me "Here, save your number"

I took his phone and saved my name as 'Shirley' because he never calls me Serena anyway, I don't want him to wonder who Serena is when he goes through his contacts.

"Shirley? Perfect" he said while looking at his phone screen.

I giggled.

"So how did your first day go?" He asked.

I smiled "Better than expected, I really like this maze..err...I mean university"

"Maze? Hahaha. I can relate" he chuckled.

"What about you? How was your first day here?"

"Good, it's just a little hard adjusting here"

"Oh, just give it a few days, it will be fine"

His phone made a beep sound so he had to take it out of his pocket. After reading the text he had gotten, he stood up "I'm going to have to take your leave. Sorry gorgeous"

When he called me gorgeous, my stomach fluttered.

You're getting Butterflies for him.

"Oh, sure. See you later" I stood up too and picked my bag up from the table.

"Yes, I'll call you"

Yeah, you better do.

YASSS. Did you like the cafe awkwardness? As promised, I uploaded this chapter sooner than I had planned to. Hope you liked it :)

Don't forget to VOTE.COMMENT.SHARE.

Q. Who else loves Kit-Kats as much as Serena does? (I do, haha)


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