Chapter 8 - The Diseased Oompa Loompa

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"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you waiting for me here?" Lyla asked.

Caleb wasn't in the car, Lyla was. I don't know what to say now, I wasn't aware that both of them had the same car and now Lyla thinks I want to talk to her. I was kind of excited to meet Caleb.

You were excited to meet Caleb? Something's fishy there.

I don't know whether to hate or love my inner voice but I'm definitely annoyed by it speaking up again and again at the worst of times.

"Nothing, I thought it was someone else's car" I murmured "But hey, give me some of your bags, I'll help you" I saw that she was carrying more grocery bags than she could carry so I decided to help her with it, that helped get rid of the awkwardness too.

Smarty pants.

When we walked upstairs and reached our dorm room, I handed the bags to her and left the room to go do my laundry. After a while, I returned to my room and Lyla wasn't there. I was tired and it was the first day of college tomorrow so I decided to sleep early. I fell asleep immediately.

Things are definitely not like high school anymore...

First day of college was so much better than I expected it to be. There was no pressure of losing my mind over choosing outfits to make a first great impression, like every other year in high school. People didn't judge much here and especially not anyone's outfit choices or appearances. There were no bullies in sight, there was not much of class division in terms of whose popular and who's not. Most people mind their own business and I will do the same.

Finding classes was a little hard as I mentioned before, this place is huge, almost like a maze but Cami saved my soul from getting lost in it. Ok, that was dramatic. What I meant was, she helped me figure out where my classes were.

Sasha, Cami and I walked together in the morning, Cami was kind enough to show us around and end up getting late to her own class. However, Sasha and I managed to reach the session for the new students on time. I didn't want to be late for the first session.
After a few more sessions and classes, first day of college came to an end.

I looked around to see if I could find Sasha or Cami but I couldn't, like who was I kidding? That's a bad idea, I'll get lost in the maze. Yes, my university is like a crazy maze. I then decided to walk to my dorms alone and made it point to save Sasha and Cami's number in my phone and give them mine, later today.

What's with you and phone numbers anyway? You didn't even ask for Caleb's.

I rolled my eyes. I was a little stuck with directions, I was near the campus cafeteria and I remembered passing through this place on our way to the university building this morning, which probably meant that I was on the right way.

I heard a beep sound from my phone, so I took it out from my pocket to see whose text it was.

Mom: I miss you sweetheart, hope you're doing fine
It was my mom's text. I miss her a lot, I forgot to call her yesterday, I guess she got a little worried.

Me: I miss you too mommy, don't worry, everything's working out great.
My eyes were glued to the phone now. I was about to hit send when I bumped into someone. I always knew that I shouldn't text while driving but now I know, I shouldn't text while walking either.

"Shirley, you again?" I heard a familiar voice and my cheeks immediately heated up. No, I wasn't blushing, it was red because of embarrassment. I bumped into Caleb, AGAIN.

"You get embarrassed so easily, look at your face" He started laughing like a diseased Oompa Loompa.

I felt my nose getting red too, I glared at him for two solid minutes and gave him my best death stare but he remained unaffected, I then gave up and started laughing with him.

His laugh is contagious, isn't?

"Nice to see you again, Shirley" he stopped laughing and shot a genuine smile towards me.

"Nice to see you too, Caleb" I smiled back.

"Now that you're here, would you like to join me for coffee?" He asked.

"I'd like to stay away from caffeine but milkshake will do, let's go" I'm surprised my inner conscience didn't whisper anything stupid like 'Look, he's asking you out', I'm relieved, this lessens my chance of yelling something stupid around Caleb.

Hello, I'm right here. You can't get rid of me that easily.
Omg, he just asked you out and what? you said YES?
Proud of you.

I rolled my eyes 'It's just coffee, calm down'.

Ok yay. I finally wrote this chapter. I was kind of stuck so I got a little late with the upload. Sorry.


530 reads? Thank you so much.


Q. Do you love or hate Serena's inner voice? Haha.

I know this chapter is a little short and so are my other chapters, but that's just the way I write. I like shorter chapters but don't worry, I promise the next update will be very soon. :))

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