letter one hundred

46 10 2

December 12th, 2013

Dear Cas,

One hundred letters. Wow.

I'm writing today because today is special. Today, five years ago, was the day we went on that small road trip together. I still have pictures on my old camera from that day.

I was sort of stressed out that day, so I called, told you to pack your things, and we left in my car.

We drove for probably four hours before we found a neighborhood of cabins by a lake that I don't even remember the name to. We rented one for the night and just stayed together.

It was quiet out there. I remember being able to hear the crickets. It was also cold, so I built a fire and we cuddled on the couch. We talked a lot, about a bunch of things, and eventually fell asleep.

It wasn't anything extraordinary or anything, but it was probably one of the best nights of my life.

I think about it a lot.

With love,
Your Dean.

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