chapter eight: dinner

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August 16th, 2014

"I don't really want to do this Dean." Cas frowns as he sits on the couch across from me. Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Sam, Jess, Mary, and John are all coming over for dinner tonight and we are waiting for their arrival.

I sigh and scoot closer to him, putting my arm around his shoulders. He cuddles into me and buries his face in my chest. "Cas it's okay."

Yesterday, Cas came home practically crying. Some dumbass kid got annoyed and started insulting Cas, calling him a faggot and a bunch of other rude things. Cas is still bummed about the whole situation and he doesn't want to do anything. He is even dreading work Monday. I can't help but feel infuriated every time I think about it. The fact that teenagers, and just people in general, can be so rude amazes me.

Cas doesn't reply, he just holds onto my shirt and closes his eyes, sighing. I stroke his hair and kiss the top of his head, breathing in the scent of his soft hair.

"Teenagers are assholes." I whisper and Cas nods.

The doorbell rings and Cas untangles himself from me, sighing. I kiss his cheek and get up to answer the door. He follows me, attempting to flatten his messy hair and failing miserably.

I open the door to find a grinning Jo on the other side. "Hi Dean!" She throws her arm around me and I grin, hugging her back.

"Hey Jo."

She pulls away and ruffles Cas's hair, then goes into the kitchen to put the salad she made on the kitchen counter. Ellen comes in next, holding a pie. "Hey you two." She grins and follows Jo into the kitchen.

Pretty soon, Sam and Jess arrive with Mary, then Bobby, then John.

"I love the new home." Jess says when everybody is sat at the slightly too small table. We had to get some extra chairs to fit everyone. "It's very cozy."

"Yeah. It is." Cas smiles.

"It even has enough room for kids." I almost choke on the water I'm sipping. "You know, when you're ready." Jo says.

"Jo we haven't even talked about marriage." I say.

Cas doesn't say anything, he just sits with a slightly confused look on his face.

"Well yeah I know. I'm just saying if. I mean... you guys are practically there already." She replies.

"We just started seeing each other again-"

"And you're already moved in together." Jo cuts me off. "You met in 2006, dated for three years, broke up, and got back together again. If that doesn't prove that you two belong together then I don't know what does."

I don't respond. There is no use arguing considering she is right. I think about it for a second and smile to myself.

Thinking about being with Cas forever seems perfect. We can't really get married. Not legally at least, but we could at least exchange rings. Then in a few years we could adopt a kid or two. Cas would be a fantastic father, I know it.

"Jo's right." Sam says and I look at him.

I don't reply, I just glance at Cas who is already looking at me, still with that same expression on his face.

I put down my fork and rub my face tiredly. Everyone else finishes their food soon after I do and I get started on the dishes. Cas stands next to me, drying them while everyone else sits at the table and talks.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. He is acting different.

"Fine." He doesn't look up from drying.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

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