chapter two: the date

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May 23rd, 2014

This week couldn't have gone by any slower, but the night is finally here.

I smile as I get ready to go out with Cas for the first time in five years. I've been given a second chance, and I am so happy.

I finish getting ready and I show up in front of Cas's home at 7:00. I grin when he comes out. He's dressed in his usual attire. Slacks and a dress shirt with his tan trench coat and a blue tie that matches his eyes. He gets in the car and smiles at me. "Hi."

"Hi Cas. You look nice."

"As do you." He blushes slightly and my heart melts. "So where are we going?"

"Just to this small restaurant on fifth avenue. It's nice." Cas nods.

When we get to the restaurant we are seated at a small booth by the window. "So how have these last years been for you Dean?"

I think about all of the struggles I went through. The medication, the alcohol, the counselors... "Fine." I lie. "You?"

"Same. I finally got into the university here after a while. I graduate this upcoming month."

"Congratulations." I smile.

"I've just worked at the library for the main part. I worked at Bobby's garage at one point but he kind of... fired me." I shrug.

"Why did he fire you?"

"Well uh...I was sort a bad place at the time and he said that once I got better he'd give me the job back, but I chose the library instead." The waitress comes with our drinks. Beer for me and water with lemon for him. Just like I remember.

"Oh." He says quietly.

It's silent for a while until my phone rings. I sigh and reach into my pocket for it. Sam. "I'm sorry." I mutter and answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Dean I'm really sorry I'm interrupting your date with Cas right now, but Mary just said her first word!"

"Really? What did she say?" I ask excitedly.

"Come on Mary, say it for Uncle Dean." I here Sam's voice at what sounds like a distance away. Mary coos on the other end of the line. I laugh. Sam sighs. "She won't do it again right now but she said 'dada'. It was the cutest thing ever."

"Aw that's great Sammy. I'll come visit later, probably tomorrow. Talk to you later."

"Alright. Bye. Have fun."

"Thanks bye." I hang up the phone and turn back to Cas.


"Yeah." I smile.

"He sounded pretty excited from what I could hear."

" niece just said her first word." I smile as I think of the pretty little blonde haired blue eyed baby.

"Niece? Wow. I didn't even know Sam was married."

"Yep. He and Jess. Then they had Mary. She's amazing."

"That's nice. I'm happy for him."

"Yeah me too. He's very happy."

Our food comes next. Cas ordered spaghetti, of course. That's his favorite. I just ordered fettuccini, like I usually do when we go to Italian places.

When we finish eating, I ask for the check. Cas persists on paying, like he usually does.

"Come on Dean just let me."

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