chapter nine: family reunion

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September 13th, 2014

Cas looks down at his shaking hands and sighs. "I can't do this."

"Cas you're fine. I promise."

At the moment, we're headed to a small get together for Gabe's birthday at his house. Cas's parents refused to come at first, but after some persuasion from Gabe, they finally gave in.

"I haven't seen them in eight years. I don't even know what to say."

"Cas they're your parents. It'll be fine. And I'll be with you the entire time." I say.

He buries his face in his hands. "How long until we're there?" He mumbles.

"About ten minutes." Cas whimpers and I sigh. "If it gets to be too much on you, we'll leave okay?"

Cas nods and I run my fingers through his hair soothingly. He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers.

When I pull in front of Gabe's house and park on the side of the street Cas stiffens up and frowns. I get out of the car and go to his side, opening the door. "C'mon."

He doesn't move, just stares at the house. I kiss his cheek and take his shaking hands in mine. "You're going to be fine. I'm right here and I won't let anything happen to you."

"This is going to end badly." He whispers.

"You don't know that. Just be positive."

He nods once and slowly gets out of the car. I shut the car door behind him and we walk to the front door together, hand in hand.

I knock on the front door once we get there and Cas takes a shaky breath.

Gabe opens the door and smiles. "Hey!" He hugs his little brother and then me.

"Are they here already?" Cas mumbles and Gabe's smile fades. He nods slowly.

"You'll be fine." He squeezes Cas's shoulder encouragingly and invites us in.

Gabe heads into the living room and we follow him, our hands still clasped together.

When we get to the living room, Cas's parents and Lucifer immediately stop talking and stare at Cas. I've never actually formally met Mr. and Mrs. Novak. This is all quite odd.

"H-hi Mom. Dad..." Cas forces a smile and his face turns red.

"Castiel." His mom says.

"Hi. I'm Dean Winchester." I smile and shake Mr. Novak's hand, then Mrs. Novak. They don't reply.

Cas and I sit down on the large sectional couch and Cas grabs my hand eagerly. Zachariah Novak eyes us suspiciously but doesn't say anything. I clench my jaw and tighten my grip on Cas's hand.

"So how long have you been together?" Naomi asks us and I glance at Cas, who is looking down.

"Well uh...we started dating in 2006, broke up in 2009, then got back together again this year after we reconnected. We have a place together now."

Both Zachariah and Naomi raise their eyebrows. "Why did you break up?" Zachariah asks.

"Uh...well let's just say mistakes were made." I look down.

"Mistakes?" Naomi says.

I glance at Lucifer and Gabe. Lucifer is staring at me and Gabe is looking down. I turn my head to Cas next. His eyes are staring down and his face is still red. "Yeah. Mistakes." I finally reply quietly.

Naomi sighs and turns her head to Gabe again and starts chatting with him.

I turn to Cas. "Are you okay?" I put a hand on his back and rub it soothingly.

Letters to You - DestielOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz