chapter five: fireworks

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July 4th, 2014

Cas and I looked at the house yesterday. It's perfect for us. There are no problems with it. It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms and it is below our budget. We put in the papers to buy it. Now all we have to do is pack and move in. We decided we were going to move in July 20th. We'll have to pack rather quickly but it's worth it of course.

"Come on Dean we're already late!" Cas says.

Today we are going to Sam's house for the fourth of July. I'm excited. Everyone will be there.

"Alright I'm coming." I say and grab my keys and my wallet. I meet him at the front door. We leave and get into my car. "I'm excited." I say.

"Me too. It will be nice to see everyone again." Cas looks ahead out of the window.

"Yeah. I haven't seen them in a while either."

"Why not?"

I shrug. "Just haven't made the time I guess."

He nods and we turn onto Sam's street. We park in front of his house and get out, ringing the doorbell. Sam opens the door and grins. "Hey guys."

"Hey Sammy." We go inside the house and Mary smiles when she sees me. She walks over to me and hugs my leg. I grin and pick her up. Sam smiles at the two of us. "Come on everyone is out back."

Cas and I follow Sam out to the backyard. I put Mary down when we get there to say hi to everyone.

"Well would you look who it is!" Jo grins and hugs me. "Hey Dean."

"Hi Jo." I hug her back.

"And look at that. Cas is here too." She hugs him next and he smiles, hugging her back.

"Hi Dean. Cas." Ellen hugs the both of us.

"Dean ya idjit why were you late?" Bobby asks as he hugs me.

I laugh. "Sorry. Lost track of time I guess."

"Hey Cas how are ya?" Bobby shakes his hand.

"I'm great thank you." He smiles.

"Dean." John Winchester comes up to me and hugs me. "It's good to see you."

I hug him back. "You too dad."

He shakes Cas's hand. "Hi Cas."

"Hello." Cas smiles sweetly.

We make our way over to the table where everyone sits and Mary climbs up on my lap. "Can you say Dean yet?" I ask her. She just giggles and pokes my cheek. I smile at her.

"You may as well give up Dean." Sam says teasingly as he sits down next to Jess, putting an arm around her.

"I'll never." I say.

"She can probably say Jo. It's easier than Dean." Jo makes eye contact with Mary. "Come on Mary. Say Jo."

Mary looks at her blankly and turns away.

"Ha." I say.

"Shutup." She says and I laugh.

"So Cas." John says. "I hear you graduated from college."

"Yes I have. I am going to start teaching this fall hopefully. I have applied for three jobs."

"That's nice. Congratulations." John says.

"What else have you been up to? Y'know. Beside school." Jo asks him, leaning against the table and resting her hand in her palm.

"Well we're moving in together. We bought a house yesterday." I say before Cas can answer.

Jo raises her eyebrows. "Really?"

I nod and take Cas's hand under the table. "Yep. Moving in on the 20th."

"Congratulations." Ellen and Jo say.

"Didn't you two just start dating again?" John asks.

"Yeah. And?" I say defensively.

"Well I mean. I'm happy for the both of you and everything but isn't that sort of fast?"

"No. We talked about it. We're on the same page."

John shrugs. "Oh. Alright."

"Well I am very very excited for the two of you." Jess says and smiles. "I'm glad you're happy and together again."

"Thank you Jess." Cas says.

Mary pulls my hair and I groan. "Ow. You sure are strong for a one year old." I look at her and smile. She smiles back and starts to chew on her fingers. I laugh at her and kiss her chubby cheek. She squirms and I put her down, letting her walk around.

The rest of the afternoon is filled with talking and laughter and soon it is dark out.

We all decided to go to downtown Lawrence and watch the fireworks show they put on there. We bring a couple blankets and decide to sit on the grass of the nice park they have there.

I sit next to Cas and put my arm around him. He looks at me and smiles, his eyes are full of joy. "Happy fourth of July, Dean."

"Happy fourth, angel." I kiss him slowly, savoring the taste of his lips on mine for a few moments before pulling away.

"I have sparklers!" Sam says excitedly and sets a box down filled with them. He opens it and begins to hand them to each of us. We all take turns lighting them with a lighter I had.

I wave mine around and watch everyone else. John is holding a giggling Mary while they both wave theirs around. Ellen, Bobby, and Jo are smiling as they spell their names out with them. Sam is taking pictures of Jess as she waves hers around. She is grinning from ear to ear at her husband and she eventually leans in and kisses him. I smile at them and turn back to Cas.

He spells his name out and I smile at him, spelling my own name in the air. Then Cas writes something else. "Dean." I smile and spell out his name. I bring him close to me, a hand resting on his back, and kiss his head. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I look at our sparklers, glowing bright against the dark sky. I wave mine once more before it starts to flicker and go out. Cas's goes out a few moments after mine.

We sit back down on the blanket along with everyone else and the fireworks start soon after. Cas stares at them in awe. I smile at him and bring him closer to me. He smiles and cuddles into my side. I kiss his head and continue to watch him as he stares at the fireworks. "Ooh that one was pretty." He looks at me. "What?" He asks when he sees me staring at him.

"Nothing." I say. "You're beautiful."

He blushes slightly and turns his head back to the sky. "Watch the fireworks." He says quietly, a small smile playing on his face. I laugh and turn to look at the sky, watching the many colors.

The fireworks end soon and everyone parts ways to go home. Cas and I drive to my apartment and we get ready to go to sleep.

We finally climb into bed at around 10:30, both of us exhausted. Cas lies on my stomach and I play with his hair. "Today was fun."

I nod. "Yes it was."

He adjusts himself so he can look at me. He puts a hand on my chest and kisses me.

God. I'll never get tired of the feeling of his lips on mine. It's one of the greatest things ever.

"You make me crazy, Castiel Novak."

His lips tug up slightly at the corner and he plays with my hair. "I never stopped loving you." He whispers after a while, making my heart skip a beat. "I wish I never left."

"I know. It's okay." I trace my fingers along his arm. "All that matters is now."

He nods slightly. "I love you."

I smile. "I love you too."

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