chapter eleven: crash

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October 17th, 2014

"We don't have much. Do you just want to go out for dinner?" Cas says and I wrap my arms around his middle, kissing his neck.

"Sure." I mumble and smile.

He turns around and kisses me. My eyes flutter closed and I pull him closer.

"I love you." He mumbles onto my lips.

"Mhm." I hum in agreement as our lips move together.

I move my hand and cup the side of his face, the other stays low on his back. He takes my flannel in each of his hands and pulls me closer.

I pull away, lips lingering and stroke his hair. He opens his eyes and looks at me, smiling.

"We should go." He says quietly.

"Yeah." I whisper.

I reluctantly let go of him and grab my keys. We head outside to the car.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask him.

"Hm. There is this burger place my friend at work told me about on 3rd street. Wouldn't hurt to give it a shot."

"Alright. Sounds good." I start the car and begin to drive.


Once we get to the restaurant, we are seated at a booth. The diner is 50's themed. Elvis plays softly through the speakers.

"I like this place." I comment and Cas nods.

"Me too. It has a nice feel." He replies.

Our hands interlock and I smile and kiss his knuckles. "Love you." I mumble.

"I love -" He is cut off by a waitress.

"Hi welcome...Dean?"

I quickly lift my head and my eyes widen in shock. I tighten my grip on Cas's hand but he lets go. "Lisa?" I say and she grins, completely ignoring Cas.

"Oh my god how are you?" She says, way too enthusiastically.

"I'm great actually. I um. I didn't know you worked here." I say and glance at Cas. He is looking down.

"Yeah I have a son now and I need to support him. He's three. His name is Ben."

I nod. "That's cool." I turn to Cas again. "Baby. You alright?" Lisa turns and looks at Castiel as if just noticing he is sitting across from me.

He looks up at me and plasters a fake smile on his face. "Yep. Perfect."

I frown and reach across the table to take his hand again.

"I didn't know you two were back together." Lisa says unpleasantly.

"Yes. Have been for a while now." I reply sternly.

"That's nice. So can I take your orders now?"

I nod and we both order.

We don't talk at all for the rest of the meal and when Lisa comes back with the check she winks at me. I sigh and throw a few dollar bills on the table and we leave.

The car ride home is silent. Castiel doesn't look at me at all the entire time.

Once we get home around 7:00, I finally ask what is bothering him.

"Nothing." He says, not looking at me.

"You're a horrible liar Cas." I say quietly.

"It's just. Seeing her tonight, it brought up too many bad memories."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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