chapter one: second chances

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May 19th, 2014

I get up at exactly, 6:15, just like I do every morning, shower, make my lunch, and drive to work in my impala.

When I get there the librarian Ms. Moseley greets me. "Good morning Dean, how are you today?"

I smile. "I'm fine, how are you?"

She gives me a small smile back. "I'm good."

I walk to the small break room we have and put my lunch in the tiny fridge.

After that I get to work. I push the large cart that carries all the returned books and begin to put them all in the correct places. It takes a while but I don't really care much. I like my job.

"Excuse me?" I hear a rather high pitched voice from behind me and I turn around.

A pretty brunette girl is standing right in front of me, batting her eyelashes. "Can you tell me where I can find books on anatomy?"

I point up. "Go up the stairs and turn left. All the science related books are in that area."

"Thank you...what is your name?" She asks.

"Dean." I reply.

"Oh. Nice to meet you, Dean." She bites her lip. "Hey I don't typically do this, but would you like to go out sometime?" She takes out a small piece of paper and scribbles something on it. "Here." She says before I can answer, and walks away.

"Not really interested." I mutter to myself and shove the number in my pocket.

I continue to shove the cart along, putting books away, and when I finish, I take my lunch break. I begin to eat when my phone buzzes in my pocket.

One message from: Sam

I unlock my phone and open the text.

Mary and I are coming to visit you at the library right now. We'll be there soon.

I smile and quickly finish my sandwich, leaving the break room and heading to the main entrance. I spot Sam's tall figure carrying Mary and walk over to the two. "Hey Sam. Hi Mary." I grin at the little girl who giggles and reaches for me.

Sam laughs at gives her to me. I take her and kiss her small blonde head. "Hey Dean."

"So why did you come here?" I ask.

"I was thinking about checking some books out for her. I want to start reading to her before she goes to sleep every night." He smiles and hands Mary her stuffed bear that he was holding. She grins and takes it, chewing on the ear.

"Oh! Of course. I'll take you to the children section." I smile and lead Sam to a corner of the library with yellow walls that are decorated with rainbows and clouds. Sam roams through the shelves and I put Mary down in the area where little games are set up for kids. She walks around, smiling and laughing. She learned to walk on her own about a month ago and now she doesn't ever stop.

Sam picks a few books out, one of them being Harry Potter. "Why am I not surprised." I say when I see him holding it.

"Hey, it's a great story." He frowns.

"I didn't say it wasn't, but let's face it. You're obsessed." I laugh.

"Am not! Maybe you should give it a try and read it. It's interesting."

"Whatever you say, Sammy."

"Alright whatever. Come on Mary let's go!" Sam hands me the many books he was holding and picks Mary up. She frowns and chews on her bear again. This time on the paw.

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