Chapter 2

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*Mark's POV*

When we get to PAX, we get what we need and go to our panel. We set up, and that's when everyone started to pile in.

After a good hour and a half to two hours(a/n: idk how long they are so I guessed.) we wrap it up. We decided to do the meet in greet now! Once we say that everyone screams...should I be scared?


When Mark and his friends announce that its meet and greet time I smile big. Almost every other hormonal fangirl and fanboy in the room scream.

Ouch. My ears.

We go up to where he says and we get in line. I'm not that far back, but I'm definitely not close either. I'd say I'm in the middle.

After about 15 minutes of waiting and slowly moving up, I'm finally next!

When I walk up to them I smile politely, and decide to start a little conversation with them.

"Hello Mark. Jack. Wade. Bob." I say smiling at them. They smile and say hello back.

When talking, Mark can't keep his eyes off me...I wonder why.

*Mark's POV*

(Oh a/n the lettering like this is in marks head. Ok story time!)

I can't stop looking at this gorgeous girl in front of me. I also can't stop smiling at everything she says. What is going on? Why am I feeling like this?

"Oh um Mark I wanted to give you something before I go" she says. "Here." She lastly said, handing me a folded up piece of paper. She hugs us all goodbye, and leaves. I watch her leave and when I don't see her no more. I open the paper and smirk.

Her number. Sweet.

I put that in my pocket so that way I don't lose it.

*skip to mark at home in LA again because he was at Pax East*

I groan as I lay down. Fuck, that took alot out of me.

I remember that the mystery girl gave me her number. I save it as so.

"Mystery Girl, you've been a bad little one for not telling me your name." I say smirking. I decided to text her.

(This font is mark. This font is u.)

Hello, mystery girl ;)

Who is this?

Its Markiplier...aka the devil in angels clothing ;)

Oh hey Mark! And.. what do you mean by that Markimoo

You'll find out soon enough....;)

And with that I put my phone on charge and decide to go to sleep. Oh god I hope she's in my dreams.

*so how was it? Was it good? Was it bad? U tell me! I hope u guys enjoyed!!*

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