chapter 4

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"GOD DONUT WHY DO YOU ALWAYS BEAT ME!" I yell at a laughing Greg. We were playing Call Of Duty and he won, he freakin killed me 85 times!! I huff and shove a cupcake in my mouth while mummbling some curse words while crumbs are flying out of my mouth.

"awe dont be mad just because im awesome." Greg says putting his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I snuggled into his hard chest and relax.

" I know a fun game." i reply with a smile getting up.

"And what is that?"

"WE CAN PLAY CUFFS!" I cheered

"what is that??"

" it's when you cuff people."


"for a boy you cuff there sacks and for a girl your cuff there-"

"AHNANANANA,NOPE NOT THAT!" He says getting up and walks down the hall heading to the kitchen

"awe!!" I whine following behind him.

I didn't hear Greg swoop behind me when I felt his hands cuff my nutaroo's I screamed in surprise and glared back at him then i smile evily and cuff his bigger natataroo's and run off. I hid in the huge closet and heard him laugh while walking in the front bedroom door.

"IM GONNA GET YOU..." he drags off and he opens the door and spots me hiding in the corner hiding my face.

" I can see you.' he whispers in my ear which sent shivers down my spine I giggle.

" no you cant.'

" just because you cant see me doesn't mean i can see you.' he says taking my hands off my face. i smile and run past him locking him in the closet. I hear him knock gentaly.

"baby can you open the door,please?" he says sweetly.

"nope" i laughed as he kept knocking harder till the door slpit into two parts. I stared in shock as he came out of the two splitted parts and he smiled at me.

"i guess the doors even fall from my awesomeness."

" you're cleaning that up and NOT me." i said pointing to the spilt door. He laughed and told me he'll let the maid clean it up. I mean come-on he made the mess!!

"im hungry." he says heading to the kitchen.

"well, what do you want."

"you." he smirks and i blush.

"i ment food!"


"I SAID FO-oh.''

"you my dear mate, have a dirty mind" he pats my shoulder. I lick his fingure and sweep his hand off.

" How bout we go to the club tomorrow?" he asks me while he sniffs the fingure i licked. I know weird?!?

"sure,why not."

i made him and I A sandwich and gave his sandwich to him, i sat as i watched him gobble his sandwich down and less than 36 seconds he's finished. I MEAN LOOK AT ME IM EATING SMALL BITES HERE!! HE-LL-O ITS NOT FAIR!!


"well, wait till tomorrow." he winks and walks off. I blush and went back to eating. Yes, me and him are very childish with our romance and stuff like that but when its serious its serious end of story.

we watched movies and went to bed, me in my skunk footie-pajama's and him in his stark nakedness.

OH...OK :) **

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