Chapter 13

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-1 year later-

"Come on Moon, i know you can do it, shift!" Cooed Greg. Yea, right now he's trying to get Ryder and Moon to shift into there human forms. Just like me, Moon is a omega, while Ryder is the Alpha. So our two lovely kido's!

"Dang, Bennie moon's not shifting!" Greg whined coming over to me.

"Because he's the omega, duh!" i said in 'duh' tone.

"Yea, but he needs to grow up to be a big boy."

"Um, omega's are weak and small so that'll neva happen." i said poking his hard chest making my finger tip hurt.

"Owie, ducking hard chest!" i said jumping up and down.

"Haha, i now im strong." he says picking me up. I squeal as he spins me around. I started feeling sick, i like spinning but thats not the reason.

"G-greg I'm gonna barf!" i said a lil shaky but he thought it was a laugh and spins even faster. Thats when i let'er rip and barfed all over his back.

"Ewwww!" he puts me down taking off his shirt.

"I warned you didn't I." I said sounding like a drunk man. He comes over putting a hand on my forehead.

"SHIT, your burning up!" he says picking me up bridal style and calls for the kids to come inside. He closes the door with his foot and walks upstairs setting me on our bed.

"Uurg, i don't feel well."

"Ill get the pack doctor." he says rushing out of the room. Minutes later the doctor came in and started checking my breathing with the 'heart thingy' again.

"Your pregnant, again." he says with a smile on his face.

"WHAT!!!" I yelled.

* HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! POOR BEN!! Vote,comment, follow me!! but i dont allow stalking ^~^ *

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