Lifes full of maybes

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Alex had been waiting in line for the phones for about half an hour, everyone was taking forever ok the phone, Alex was second front the front, when someone dragged her by her arm right down the corridor towards the cubes Alex manages to let loose and saw that it was Nicky, "what the fuck Nichols I've been waiting for half an hour to phone piper, what had to be so Damn important that you had to take me away" Nicky gave Alex a nasty look, Alex jut sighed and ha ever a smile but when the smile was not returned  Alex knew doe thing was up " What ham the fuck have I done Nicky" nicky looked at Alex grinding her teeth, "What the fuck have you done, Ha that's a good one Vause, let's see erm, Mendez is now telling caputo about OUR little chat, you told piper about our little chat, and we both know how she can't keep secrets or hold emotion together. To be honest Vause you pretty fucking stupid, yenoo, out of all the people I thought I could tr-" Nicky was cut off by Alex "How do you know that Medez is going to tell Caputo, and how the fuck do you know I told piper" Alex crossed her arms, put her glasses on top of her head, raised her eyebrows and looked at Nicky " He's jus fucking told me, alright he might be doing it to scare me but, I think he was serious, oh and piper wrote me a letter, here it is"
Alex read the letter

Hey Nichols,
   Your probobly wondering why I am writing you a letter, I kind of am to, No offence sorry haha, how's everything Been with morello, hope all is well. I visited Alex today, she seemed okay but the whole time I was there I felt like she was keeping something back, so that's why I asked her about the pennsatucky phone call, she told me about the incident, that accord doe thing to do about the colour red, I hope your holding up, I know your not a bad person Nicky hope to see you when you get out,
      Love ye Nicky

Alex looked up at from the letter at Nicky who was looking at her she hugged Nicky and told her that everything was going to be okay and that Medez wouldn't do anything because that's why he is there to mess with people's heads, and play mind games, Nicky looked at Alex and smiled "yenoo what vause, I'm gonna miss you when your gone, how long is it now again, 3 weeks or something, not long now"
"Nicky I have to go the bathroom I'll catch up later"
Alex had completely forgotten about how close her release date was, she hadn't through the about where she was going to stay, money, or anything, "Fuck" Alex mumbled to herself as he was walking out the bathroom to the cubes. Although Alex was happy to be getting out obviously she wanted to see piper, but it kind of scared her, being back in the open world, she knew she wanted to spend her whole life with piper that's the only thing she was sure of.

Didn't quite know where I was going with that chapter, next chapter will be a bit more interesting

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