Be my friend hold me

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Alex threw down the phone and ran to her bunk where she cried and wanted to scream, here fingers where itching in anger she wanted to kill anyone who came within 2 feet of her bunk. Nicky and morello tried to talk to her but she told then to fuck off. "How the fuck, how the fuck" she broke down crying "Piper knew exactly what would happen if she told me ‭kubras plan, why the fuck" Alex couldn't stop crying and skipped dinner she went and ran round the track which was unusual as Alex never ran unless piper made her, everything Alex was doing was reminding her of piper she knew if kubra really did have men listening to the phone calls piper would be dead in about a week which was okay as Alex was getting out in 3 days. Alex was worried would piper be there waiting at the door when she got out or would she be to scared. Was she going to loose her beloved piper. What was going on.

*Vause to Caputos office, Vause to Caputos office*

"Shit" Alex mumbled to herself as she sped walked down to Caputos office, when she got into there Caputo, Healy and piper where in there.
"Piper what are you doing here" she gave piper a hug and looked straight at Healy who just glared at them. "Alex I told caputo what has happened and he has scheduled for you to get out tomorrow with security around you st all time so if anything does happen you will be safe"
Caputo coughed and started to have his say "Alex I know you are probobly worried that Kubra will get someone on the inside to be your part of your security but we have had all the men triple checked with CIA and FBI, no need to worry vause"
Alex sighed and agreed to all what caputo put forward"
"I will leave you and Chapman, sorry piper not an inmate anymore. Anyways you have 2 hours alone with each other"
As caputo went to walk out the door Alex shouted him back "caputo in really thankful, thankyou so much it means so much to me"

"Your welcome vause" he win lied on his way out and worded bye to piper

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