Sometimes its healthier to let go than hang on

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-----Alex's Dream-----
A huge dark shadow fell upon her vision, Alex started to panic in her sleep she felt like she was drowning when the feeling stopped the cover was pulled away and she could see kubra with a knife laughing uncontrollably only being able to spit out a few words. "Your dead Alex, to me you are and soon to everyone you love" then everyone whose name she had given into the police started to appear and started laughing then a bunch of hands covered her face and she began to panic it felt like they where strangling her, then she started to shake.
"Vause, wake up, time to go,your getting out"
Alex soon sat up in a panic, she was sweating and her hair was stuck to her neck, officer Bennett had been Sent to get her and take her out to reception. Nicky came with her when they got to the reception Alex hugged Nicky "Gonna miss you Nichols" Alex smiled at Nicky as they pulled away fro. There hug, "I'll miss you to vause, go get your girl and make sure she's safe, and answer your fucking phone when I ring" Alex chuckled "bye Nicky tell morello I said bye to" Nicky waved and gave a sarcastic smile. Alex laughed and put her hair into a pony tail and got changed into her clothes which she had came in. Black ripped jeans, black boots that had a small wedge on, her watch and a short sleeved black shirt, she also got her phone back, Alex almost screamed with excitement she was finally getting out. When Alex went outside, pipers brother was there waiting for her "Alex, hi piper rang me yesterday and said if she couldn't make it to pick you I should come, oh ye there is going to be a cop car escorting us back to the hospital, hahaha" Alex smiled at him and said thank you, Alex asked if it was okay if she slept on the journey to the hospital. When they arrived cal woke Alex up, she didn't quite remember where she was butt hen she remembered and yawned with a smile.
Cal smiled at Alex "your a keeper you know, she really does love you, she's in room 12C floor 3 ward 2" Alex blushed and thanked cal for bringing her.

When Alex got to pipers room she had been put into an induced coma, when Alex looked at pipers reports it said she had a broken neck, broken arm, concussion, broken ribs and a flesh wound on her stomach. Alex dropped pipers file and ran to her bed she grabbed pipers hand "she can hear you, talk to her, it helps" Alex turned to see Larry at the door "thanks, I'm not being rude but can you go I want some time with her" he saw Alex was upset and walked out closing the door behind him.

----Alex's words to piper-----

So hey pipes, I'm sorry, if you wouldn't of came to tell Caputo about kubra you wouldn't be in this mess. If you wouldn't of been such a caring and wonderful amazing person you wouldn't be in this mess, piper fucking chapman I love you more than you would ever know. I know I haven't showed that to you but I do really love you piper, you are my world, my everything from the day I approached you at that bar 10 years ago I knew you where the one for me, I had been empty for so many years and as soon as I found you it was like a spark of energy gave me the strength to carry on. On the way here I was hoping for the best and that you would be okay when I got here and I could hold you in my arms for as long as I wanted. I love you piper, and I when you wake up I'm going to be right by your side, right here to welcome you back. Piper cal told me how much he thinks we should be together but piper don't fight to live for me, fight for your family and everyone, listen don't be scared to let go okay if the fight gets hard I will do everything I can to push us through it but you need to help to okay, you need to fight down the barriers to okay but please piper don't be scared to let go I will be here all the way, sometimes letting go it healthier than holding on. And Piper Chapman I swear hand on heart we will be together for the rest of our lives okay, well if you agree to it. I love you piper chapman.

Alex started to cry. She sat and sang to piper for about on hour.

Nobody ever knows
Nobody ever sees
I left my soul
Back there now I'm too weak
Most nights I pray for you to come home
Praying to the Lord
Praying for my soul
Now Please Don't Go
Most Nights I hardly sleep when I'm alone
Now Please Don't Go, oh no
I think of you whenever I'm alone
So Please Don't Go

Two months later

The doctor said that piper had been taken out of the induced coma and it was up to her to fight the battle now. It was 3:30am Alex had been here for 2 months and finally piper was the only one fighting now it was up to her. Alex knew piper would come through she knew that 'piper was a tough cookie' as Nicky put it. Alex felt pipers breathing get heavier and she woke up and saw piper panicking. She was first scared as she didn't know what was going on but then excit,met rushed round her whole body. "PIPER YOUR AWAKE" piper calmed down and looked at Alex and smiled she started to cry. "Oh Alex I knew you would be here. I love you to baby, and don't blame yourself, I'm the one who wanted to get Caputo involved" Alex smiled at piper and got doe on one knee and began to tear up "piper Elizabeth chapman, I told you I wanted to be by your side for the rest of your life, and I meant it piper I love everything about you, I love that your gorgeous, funny, amazing, I just love YOU" piper cupped Alex's face with one hand and covered her mouth with the other Alex continued "piper will you do me the honour of being my wife" piper started to cry "of course I will you idiot, I love you so much Alex" alex got up and picked piper up and swung her round the room, all the nurses and doctors started to clap this made piper and Alex blush, but they laughed it off. Piper was discharged and was sent home to her and Alex hometown there new life.

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