1 - Mean Lattes

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"That'll be four dollars."

Working at Starbuck wasn't as bad as Hayley thought it would be. Hayley hated the taste coffee but loved its aroma, which was weird but true. She wasn't really a social person, she hated talking to people but she got used to it after months of working in the cafe. She got more comfortable by then with the place and the people, mostly the regular customers, like the one approaching her right now.

"Good morning Ms. Gomez, the usual?" Hayley smiled brightly as she saw the always beautiful Selena Gomez.

"Yes please." She smiled back before taking a tissue and writing on it. Selena handed her payment along with the tissue. Hayley shoved it in her pocket and made Selena's order. She knew it by heart now that she made it in less than a minute or two. Handing Selena her beverage, Hayley sent her a quick wink.

Hayley finally got out of work and headed to her small apartment. She hailed a cab and let out a sigh of relief. Then she remembered something in her pocket. She took out the tissue and read the small note.

Good morning babe. You make mean lattes xx

It was short, funny and sweet, just the way Hayley liked it. She has been with Selena for almost a month and half now but it felt like it was only yesterday when she asked her to be her girlfriend.

Hayley never expected her to say yes. Hayley was just a nineteen year old girl who worked at Starbucks and had a passion for art. She never knew knew she'd meet Selena Gomez and get her to like her romantically. It all went by too fast. That was why they started taking it slow.

Dating a celebrity wasn't easy, especially a celebrity who isn't out yet. Hayley was proud to be pansexual and didn't think sexuality was an issue. She'd accepted everyone, except mean people and rapists of course.

hey angel, can you come over?

of course. I'll just take a quick shower. Work was busy today :(

okay. I'll be waiting 😏

This got Alyx excited which made her hop in the shower almost immediately.


"I hate you."

Selena chuckled at her girlfriend who had an angry look on her face.

"I'm sorry babe. But I have to find a way to get you here somehow."

"You know that I hate parties."

Hayley did hate parties. She despise them. She only goes to parties for the free food. But this party barely had any food.

"You owe me." Hayley said sternly while glaring at Selena.

"I'll give you a show." Selena compromised while giving Hayley puppy eyes.

"Fine, I'll stay."

Selena cheered and dragged Hayley to a crowd of people dancing. Just then, the party was bearable. The only reason Hayley is able to stay in parties is because of Selena. It was fun watching her let go, especially after all the drama she has been through.

The only problem was that she can't hold her too close, kiss her (even just on the cheek), or simply place her hand on her hips or waist. Her management knew about the two but strictly had rules. And Hayley hates rules. So she may have broken some which led to some fans suspicious. The only thing the fans knew about the two is that they are great friends, but there were a few who already shipped the two. Which resulted in not being able to see each other for two weeks. Of course, they sneaked around during that time because they just can't be away from each other that long. Even during the Revival Tour, Hayley has visited a lot of times.

Eventually, Hayley got bored for they have been playing the same song over and over again. So she left Selena for awhile to go to bathroom. Which was not a good idea because when she came back to where she left Selena, she was gone. She started freaking out. She didn't know anyone and that worried her the most.

Hayley sighed and headed to the porch, where she usually stays and waits for her girlfriend. She tried distracting herself from worrying by going on all her social media including snapchat. But it wasn't as fun when she snapped with her girlfriend.

"Baaaaabyyyy-" Hayley turned her head and saw her smashed girlfriend giggling and walking towards her. "-yyyyyyy! I like your smiiiiiile."

Hayley chuckled. "Babe, I think it's style not smile."

"Whatever. I like your smile. So pretty. You're so pretty baby. Haha pretty baby."

Hayley only shook her head and wrapped an arm around Selena's waist.

"Kiss me." Selena said, pouting her lips.

Hayley sighed. "Babe, there are two paparazzi with at least three cameras. The cab is on the way already. You'll have to wait for a little while."

Hayley has this weird heightened senses. Selena would usually tease her and called a vampire for it. Mainly because Hayley has forced her to watch The Vampire Diaries with her and she has learned many things.

"Ooh! It's here!" Selena cheered. Hayley only shook her head in amusement as she followed her towards the cab.

A/N: Heya! This is just a first look on their relationship and there are more things to come. I'm so excited for this story. So add it in your library and reading lists and wait for the rest of the story.

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