17 - Skates

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"So, what do you wanna do today?" Selena asked while brushing Hayley's hair with her fingers. Selena was casually sitting on the living room couch while Hayley lay on her lap, just staring up at her girlfriend, admiring her natural beauty.

"The question is, what CAN we do? Don't have schedule in the studio today? Maybe a meeting with management or a date with your boyfriend?" Hayley replied with some sass lacing in her voice.

"Nope. I'm all yours today, angel."

Hayley smiled at her girlfriend before looking around the room to spark some idea on what they could do.

"Well, I passed by this vintage roller skating rink the other day."


"Everyone, this is my um, friend, Hayley

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"Everyone, this is my um, friend, Hayley. Hayley, this is everyone."

Hayley smiled brightly and waved at all of them. Then the music blasted and everyone went on their separate ways.

Hayley and Selena had to options, first, is to go to the rink with only the two of them and risk getting caught. Second, is to reserve the whole rink for a couple of hours and invite a bunch of people. Obviously, they've chosen the latter.

Selena took Hayley's hand then skated around the rink. At first, Hayley was hesitant and pulled her hand away. But Selena held on her hand tightly and gave Hayley an reassuring smile.

Hayley smirked, "Catch me if you can."

Hayley sped off and dodged the people in front of her. She glanced behind her quickly and laughed when she saw Selena struggling to get pass the people. Hayley continued skating but slowed down a bit. She turned around and saw Selena smirking at her. Suddenly, Hayley crashed into somebody and the next thing she knew, she was on the floor with her butt hurting.

"Omg, I'm so sorry. Are you all right?" Alisha, who she apparently bumped into, asked and offered her hand.

Hayley laughed it off and took Alisha's hand.

"It's fine, really. I'm sorry; I wasn't looking. Hey, Alisha right? I'm Hayley, Selena's...friend."

"Nice to meet you, Hayley. Oh! I see you in Snapchat! Can I just say, you're really pretty in life. Not that you're not pretty on my phone screen, it's just that you're really pretty."

"Oh thanks. You're really pretty too. Oh! Great  acting by the way." Hayley replied and gave her a friendly smile.

"Hey guys." Selena suddenly said, cutting in.

Hayley's smile got bigger when she saw her girlfriend. She wanted to greet her, call her babe, and give her a kiss on the cheek at least. But she knew she couldn't. It was supposed to be a date, but it's starting to feel like just a hang out with a couple of friends.

The three skated together and talked about different things. As Hayley expected, Selena was called to take some pictures with the cast. For a few minutes, she was alone and awkwardly standing at the side of the rink. So, she decided to remove her skates and sit at one of the booths to wait for her girlfriend.

"Hey, I'm back."

Hayley was startled when Alisha suddenly appeared and sat beside her.


They continued conversing and telling each other stories. Alisha told her about her terrible experiences with blind dates. Hayley loudly laughed at particularly one date, making her clutch her stomach.

"Why the hell did you do that?!?!"

"He was being a dick!"

"I like you." Hayley said genuinely. Alisha blushed and Hayley noticed this. She didn't want the girl to think that she meant it that way, so she tried to made it clear without being harsh or anything.

"You'd be a really cool friend. What's your snap?"

Hayley brought our her phone and added her new friend on Snapchat. They took selfies together and did random videos.

Then, Hayley saw her girlfriend walking towards them, who doesn't look pleased.

"Hi, sorry to interrupt, but Alisha, they need you for the pictures."

"Duty calls. It was really nice getting to know you, Hayley." Alisha sent Hayley a flirty smile before leaving.

Suddenly, Selena took Hayley's hand and practically dragged her out of the place.

"Hey, chill out. What's up?"

"We're leaving."

"All right. You could've just told me babe."

Selena didn't reply and only got in the car. Hayley was confused but simply followed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hayley asked softly, gently placing her hand on top of her girlfriend's.

Selena let out a sigh. "Nothing. I'm sorry I just dragged you out of there."

"It's fine. You can tell me why, when you're ready." Hayley replied before bringing Selena's hand to her face and placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.

"I love you."

Selena smiled at her lover. "I love you too."

Hayley smiled back and placed a sweet kiss on Selena's lips before placing her head on the her girlfriend's shoulder and holding tight on her hand.

A/N: short chapter, i know. i felt happy after writing and reading this one.

i don't think alisha has snapchat but we'll pretend she has on this story

thoughts on having the cast with them to serve as a smoke screen for their little date?

thoughts on hayley and alisha?

thoughts on selena getting jealous?

thoughts on haylena relationship so far?

thoughts on the future?

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