19 - Distant

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"That's unfair! You look good in anything!" Hayley exclaimed as she complimented Louise. Louise only responded by striking exaggerated poses.

It was a casual Tuesday when Louise called her up and invited her to go shopping. Realizing that she hasn't been outside and social since the party, which was two weeks ago, she decided to accept her invitation.

They were in their third store and probably their hundredth outfit. So far, Louise had five bags filled with a variety of clothing while Hayley had only two bags, containing a new pair of sneakers and a hoodie. Hayley had tried numerous outfits Louise shoved in her arms but none of them appealed to her.

"You did look good in some of the outfits. You just didn't like them. Unzip me?"

Hayley only sighed and obliged. "This is the last one right?"

"Not quite yet. I saw this on the racks. It's the last piece. I know, I know. Just, give it a try. I genuinely think you'll look great in it." Louise said, trying to convince Hayley to try one last piece of clothing.

It was a short tan velvet dress with spaghetti straps. It was simple but beautiful. But Hayley bet that Louise would look better in it.

Without her consent, Hayley was pushed into the fitting room with the dress on her hand.

"You're not coming out until you're wearing it!"

Hayley rolled her eyes then stared at the dress in her hand. She let out a sigh in defeat.


"Girl, Selena's jaw will drop to the floor when she sees you in the dress."

"Why does her reaction matter?" Hayley said before stuffing some fries in her mouth and taking sips from her smoothie.

Louise rolled her eyes at her friend. "I'm not blind, Hayley. I see the way you look at each other. Plus, you live together."

"Doesn't mean we're together."

"Hayley, stop it. You can trust me."

"Can I?" Hayley snapped suddenly. Louise was surprised by her sudden outburst.

Hayley sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm tired and it's just...I don't want to talk about her okay?"

"Why? Did something happen?" Louise asked, ignoring Hayley's plead.

Hayley remained quiet and continued eating. Louise seemed to finally understand and moved on to another topic.

Hayley didn't know where her sudden outburst came from. Maybe because of the lack of time and attention Selena gives her. For the past few days, Selena has been anywhere but with Hayley. She would be in the studio, in a meeting, and mostly with Abel. It pisses her off.

Hayley had pushed those thoughts away when she caught someone in the corner of her eye. She hoped that her eyes were deceiving her, so she turned her head to take a good look. It was as if God was playing tricks on her.

There at the corner of the restaurant was her girlfriend with her supposed boyfriend. Hayley knew that she should look away. She wanted to tear her away, but she couldn't.

She stared at the couple for a few seconds and observed them. They were talking quietly. Selena was leaning against Abel's arm and smiling at him.

Hayley knew she shouldn't, but she couldn't help but feel jealous. Selena was her girlfriend.

Suddenly, Abel turned her way, and Hayley was quick to look away.

"Lou, I think it's time to head out."

"But I want another burger!"

Hayley didn't respond and bowed head, trying her best to go unnoticed.

Louise noticed Hayley's sudden change. She looked where Hayley was looking a few minutes ago and then she realized.

"I'm kidding. Come on, let's go." Louise said softly. She placed some cash on the table then grabbed her friend towards the exit.

Hayley kept her head down but decided to steal a glance. Coincidentally, that two second glance met Selena's eyes. Hayley wasn't able to read her expression as she was too focused getting out.


Selena's day has finally ended and she was beyond exhausted. Hopefully her management was satisfied with the amount of paparazzi pictures they have.

She fumbled with her keys and before finally getting to open the front door. Once the door was shut, she let out a sigh. She began removing her boots then placed it on the shoe rack. She noticed that Hayley's sneakers were on the floor. Selena was confused. Her girlfriend would always get mad at her for not putting her shoes on the shoe rack yet her black sneakers weren't.

She placed Hayley's shoes on the rack then let out another sigh. She couldn't just shrug it off. She knew that something was wrong.

She headed towards their bedroom, nervous and worried. As she got closer towards their bedroom door, she heard sobs. Selena knocked on the door before entering their bedroom. Another thing that ticks Hayley off is when people don't knock.

What she saw broke her heart. The love of her life curled in a ball on their bed with tears rolling down her tinted cheeks. Selena almost rushed towards her then wrapped her arms around her.

Hayley's sobs became louder and Selena held her tighter. The two stayed in the same place for a few minutes until Hayley's sobs grew quiet.

"I'm so sorry." Selena said softly as she brushed her lover's hair.

"It's not your fault."

"Still. We shouldn't be living like this."

"No, we shouldn't. But we are, because otherwise we might live apart."

Selena knew that she was right. But she was just tired of hiding and lying. Just a couple more months then they'll be happier.

Hayley pulled away from her embrace and looked into her eyes. "Promise me you'll never leave me?"

"Of course." Selena was saddened to know that Hayley had a little doubt that she'll do such thing.

"I love you, Selena."

"I love you, Hayley, always."

Selena said genuinely before embracing her and placing a kiss on her hair. Hayley didn't hug he back.

Still, something felt different. It was like they were growing distant.

A/N: i have tears in my eyes.


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