The Twister

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Aphmau Pov
We get Jin and Ross to come with us to the gate so they can see the others. After a few more minutes we see my guards coming and two people behind them. I could see that it was Barney and Sky, but Sky was buried in Barney's right side with Barneys arm over him, they looked pretty cute together. Hey guys come on I think we are going to have a party soon. Yes lord Aphmau. Garroth told us as they all came over to us. We head into the village and I explain what's going on to them and we had a little party for my friends arrival. We party for about an hour and I can see everyone was having fun almost. Every now and then I can see Barney head over to a shaded part of the plaza with two drinks or plates. Hey Barney where are you going. Ohs I staying nexts tos Skys untils we gets back home. Oh is that why he was buried in your side when you were coming up to the gates. Yeas I didn'ts want him to bes sad. Oh ok then go back to him ok I don't want to see my friends sad. Thx. We continue our party for the next while and now everyone was doing just fine.
Skys Pov
Barney was really nice enough to stay near me during the party, every now and then he would go and get some snacks for us two. The wind here starting to pick up and it felt familiar and it wasn't like normal it felt like danger. As the party went on I kept staring at the sky because it wasn't right. Hey Barney does the sky look a bit weird here or am I seeing stuff. No the sky does look a bit off. Wait do you see that. I do we got to tell everyone before it hits. Yea come on. Wait, where's your amulet. What no where is it do you see it. Yea up there. Barney pointed to the twister and I could see my amulet get sucked up by it and the twister turned into a shade of purple and grey mixed. Barney go tell Aph now. Ok.

To be continued...

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