The Arrow

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Barney POV
I opened my eyes to see me and Unica falling towards a city. I couldn't see far but we were falling fast and Unica was still pasted out from the twister. Great lets hope she doesn't wake soon. I use my powers to summon my bow and arrow. After I get them I try my hardest to head to Unica before we hit the ground and maybe die. I take her hand and put her on my back and we are about 3,000 feet from the ground is what it looks like. I take my bow and a arrow with rope tied to it and shoot it towards a building. It hits the other side of the building as I shoot a other arrow to a other building tied to the first arrow I shot. The line from the arrows was hard to see but I took a piece of rope from sky's glasses that broke off and landed it on the rope while holding Unica on my back. We dip down a bit and I aim us towards a tree about 100 yards away. We fling into the tree and I use my powers to get rid of my bow and arrows while Unica starts to wake up. What where are w-ahh. Oh sorry Unica we landed in a tree from the twister.We get out of the tree to find about three people running towards us. Are you two ok? Yay I think we're fine. Are you sure you two fell from the sky so. Yay we're fine oh and I'm Barney and this is Unica. Hello to you too I'm Sam and this is Taurtis and Grain. These guys seemed very nice maybe they can help us get home. We start talking about of how we got here and how we lost our friends then I heard something make a cling sound. I look around to see Sky's amulet roll around on the grounds. I head towards it and pick it up. What's that's Barney? It looks like Sky's amulet, Unica. Well what are you going to do with it? She looked at me like she wanted to take the amulet from me. I didn't want to put it in my pocket cause there's holes in both and I didn't want to give it to Unica, so I put it on around my neck so I could always keep track of it. So you guys can stay with us until you find your friends. Thanks Sam that would mean a lot. Come on I'll take you guys to our place. Oh I hope the others are ok and I hope to find all of them soon very very soon.

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