Chapter Eight

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Kakashi Sensei's POV

"Come again." The shop owner requested.

I nodded and left the appliance store with the stop clock.

I made it to the K.I.A stone and stood there developed in my thoughts, I stood for a few hours in my memories and regrets.

Unaware to the person behind me I was enveloped in deep recognitions of my past.

Fuu's POV

Late. Naruto kun forgot to wake me for the training this morning I was beyond late..I hope sensei would forgive me, but why would Naruto kun not wake me?

As I was passing the clearing running.Not my full speed, but still fast, I won't ever use my full speed again, but Naruto kun...

He's close to me.. and my first friend. as I am to him...

Back at the academy I don't know what happened..

My body moved on its own.. not that I didn't want to help Naruto kun, but without hesitation I was in front of him and protecting him...

Will I just use my powers for him and his protection?

Naruto kun saved me, he let me have a house to stay in, he gave me love and friendship.

Something neither of us ever had, I have this security when I'm with him, like everything will be fine and good.

That's why.. that's why I will protect Naruto at all times no matter what, we are the same only we understand one another's pain.

I stopped running, I was behind a tree and could see a shinobi standing in front of a pointy glass thing, the man looked familiar, I stepped forward and stepped on a branch.

Thoughts of Naruto still clouding my mind, I realized something when I stepped on that branch.

The reason why I would go far to protect this blonde friend of mine..

It's because...

We are one him and I.


Kakashi Sensei's POV

Snap. I turned my direction to the person in front of me and got a confused expression from the mint colored hair girl and orange eyes.

I sighed, "Fuu, why are you here?" I questioned the twelve year old genin.

She tilted her head and smiled sheepishly.

"Gomen (sorry) Kakashi sensei, you see I live with Naruto kun at his apartment, but he isn't wake me up so I'm late I guess ssu.." She glumly stated.

Poor kid.I give a closed eye smile, "Well let's be late together then okay?" I encouraged.

She grinned and nodded, "Let's go sensei the teams waiting!!" She shouted and grabbed my wrist and
started running, I could tell it wasn't her full speed but she was still the fastest person in the village, maybe in all nations who knows really.

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