Chapter Nine

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Fuu's POV

We arrived in a few moments I could tell sensei was surprised by my speed, it wasn't even that fast really.

We saw Sakura chan squealing at Sasuke, Sasuke leaning against a tree and Naruto kun glaring daggers at Sasuke.

There was so much tension in the air, that I decided to reveal sensei and my location.

"Hey everyone." I said, at once their heads snapped to us Naruto and Sakura pointed almost accusingly at sensei, "YOUR LATE!" they yelled simultaneously, again I resisted the urge to cover my ears they were both so loud when combined.

Sensei just chuckled and introduced the training we would be doing.It was called the bell test, he would have two bells and we would need to get one, whoever didn't get one wouldn't get to eat lunch and he would eat in front of us.

That explains why he didn't let us eat breakfast..

Naruto attacks him but failed,I couldn't bring myself to look at Naruto at all, it was probably because of how I felt like I owed him, I mean he gave a house, and friendship.. all I did back was stop a fist... I feel ashamed.

As soon as sensei said start I jumped into a tree as a hiding place.

I didn't know where my team mates were, I crouched for a few moments before I felt a chakra presence behind me I flipped down and landed on on knee on the grass.

Sensei stood in the branch I was on looking down at me, " I think it's time for us to spar Fuu." He announced.

"You already beat everyone ssu?" I questioned him, he nodded wow.

I got into a fighting stance and brought out a kunai, here goes nothing.

Kakashi Sensei's POV

She wasn't trying hard enough.

It was obvious, the girl had a bunch of scrolls around her obviously containing summonings or amazing justu's and plus her speed.

She could get the bells in a second and her demon in her.. she can control him.. this girl is too soft.

Fuu slashed at me with the kunais intentionally missing my vital points.

I sighed it was obvious this fight would go no where so I did the teleportation jutsu and left just as the bell rang.

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