Chapter 18

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It comes to be morning time and Lily didn't wake up once.

I sneak out of bed quietly, not waking up Lily, to go talk to Louis about last night.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about,Harry?" Louis asks seeing me come into the living room. 

"What were you doing last night with Lily?" I sit down beside him.

"We were just watching a movie, Harry." 

"You were doing more than watching a movie!" I slightly scream. 

"Okay so I had my arm around her!? She was cold! What else was I supposed to do!?" He screams back at me. 

"I don't know! Maybe give her a blanket! Not get all cuddly together when she's MY girlfriend!" We start getting into a huge argument. 


I wake up to hear screaming coming from downstairs. I go down there to see whats happening.

"How are you just going to pull a move on my girlfriend!!!??" Harry screams at Louis super loud.

"I didn't pull a move on her! Even if I did, I didn't mean too! I was just trying to be nice!" Louis screams right back. 

Harry starts to get so mad at Louis, Harry tries to punch Louis. Luckily, I run in between them before it hits Louis.

He hits me instead.

"Oh my gosh. I-I" Harry stammers seeing that he hit me.

"Lily!? Are you alright!?" Louis asks holding onto me, looking at the mark Harry left on my forehead.

"Let my girlfriend go!" Harry screams and Louis screams right back.

"Stop it! Both of you!" I wiggle out of Louis' grip. "Just stop!"

"Lily, please" Louis tries to talk to me. I don't let him.

"No, I don't want you two fighting!" 

"Lily, come on, Love." Louis says and then I see Harry's fist ball up. 

"No! Stop! Just-Just leave each other alone! And leave me alone too!" I charge out the door, not caring that I didn't have actual shoes on, just my slippers.

I run for as long as I could until I found an alley that I slipped into, hoping no one would find me. 


I can't believe what I just did. I just hit my own girlfriend and then I let her run out the door.  Why did I let this happen?

"Do you see what you made me do!? You made me hit my own girlfriend, then just let her run out the door!" I scream at Louis.

Before he has a chance to get out a sentence, Liam comes down stairs.

"What is all the screaming about!?"  He basically screams. "And where did Lily go? I know she was down here."

"Me and Louis were arguing and I.. Well... I hit Lily and she ran out the door." I feel like I want to cry but I try and hid it.

"I'll go find her." Liam says grabbing his jacket and heading out the door. I go up to my room, not wanting to be around Louis.


I walk around as much as I can trying to find Lily. After about 20 minutes of looking I find her in an alley.

"Lily? Are you alright?" I sit down beside her. 

"N-no." She says looking at me and wiping tears off of her cheek. 

"I tried to stop Harry from hitting Louis while they were fighting, but he was so mad that he wasn't looking and he hit me instead." She starts to cry even more. "He said he would never hurt me! I-I was so scared Liam! I didn't know what else to do!" 

"awe, Lily" I pull her into a hug. "You know he didn't mean to hurt you. He was.. Well, he was just being protective of you." I pull her away and wipe away her tears. 

"Protective? Why would he be protective over me?" She sniffs "He knows he's the only one I want."

"I know sweety but you see, when Harry really likes a girl, he will do anything he can to protect her. From someone trying to hurt you to someone trying to steal you from him. But he really didn't mean to hurt you." I start to examine the mark that Harry left on her forehead.

"Re-really? He was just making sure Louis wouldn't take me away from him?"  She whimpers in pain as I touch the mark.

"Yes really. Now, we need to get you some ice on that. Its kinda bleeding too." I stand up and I pull Lily up too. "Lets go" 

I giver her a piggy-back ride back home.

Harry and Louis have some major apologizing to do when we get back.

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