Chapter 19

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When we get back to my house, Harry is up in our room and Louis is in his room.

Liam sets me down on the couch.

"I'm gonna go get some ice for your head. Stay put."

While Liam gets some ice, I assume Harry and Louis heard us come in because they both come downstairs and they walk towards me.

When Harry tries to sit on the end of the couch I'm on, I scoot to the other side as fast I could.

I'm still afraid because of what he did. What if he gets mad again? What if he hits me again?

He could tell I had a scared look on my face.

"Lily please. Calm down." Harry tries to comfort me. He scoots towards me and I run off the couch and into the kitchen and run behind Liam.

"Please don't let him hurt me Liam. Please" I say with some fear in my voice. 

"Lily..." He moves towards me and I hold onto Liam tighter. 

"Lily, he's not going to hurt you. He just wants to talk to you." Liam whispers to me and I let go of him and slowly move towards Harry.

Harry reaches out his hand for me to grab and I hesitate to grab it, but I do.

He pulls me towards the couch and we sit down together on it. 

He can tell I still have a little bit of fear on my face. 

"Lily, please listen to me." He puts his hand on mine. "I truly never meant to hurt you. I was just mad and scared and I wasn't looking. I never meant to hit you."

"Sc-scared? Wh-Why were y-you scared?"

"Well to be honest, when I saw you and Louis outside watching a movie and you guys were cuddling, I thought you two had a thing for each other" He looks down to the ground. "I thought he was gonna take you away from me"

All my fear escapes from my body.

"Harry. I was only cuddling with Louis like that 'cause i was cold and he was warm. He wasn't gonna take me away from you. No one can ever do that." I give him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you, and only you, Harry"

He smiles at me and kisses my hand. "I love you, too, babe."

He starts to laugh. "But were you really that scared of me?"

Him hitting me comes back to my mind.

"Well, yes I-I was. Your voice so was deep and your face was all red and well.... You hit me... How could I not be scared?" The fear slowly crept back into my body. The thoughts of him getting that mad again came into my mind.

"Awe, Baby, I'm so sorry. Please, don'tbe scared of me. I ever meant to scare or hurt you. You have to believe me."

"Harry, calm down. I believe you. Its okay." I kiss his hand. He gives me a weak smile.

Suddenly, Louis comes up to me.


I walk up to Lily. "Lily, can I talk to you?"


"In private."

She look at Harry and he nods his head signaling She should go. She follows me outside. 

"What is it Lou?"

"Why did you jump in front of Harry when he was about to punch me?" I says then sit down beside her.

"I didn't want either of you to get hurt." She looks down at the ground. "I'd rather get hurt then one of you"

"You don't have to protect us like that Lily. That's our job to protect you." I put a hand on hers.

"Protect me!? You think its your guys' job to protect me?" Lily stands up. 

"Well, Harry feels like he needs to protect you."

"Its different with him Lou! Why don't you understand that!?" She's basically screaming her lungs out at me. 

"Its not different! He feels the same exact way!"

"Ugh! You have always treated me like a baby since I met you!" Tears start to roll down her face. 

Harry comes outside hearing u screaming at each other.

"You've ruined everything since you came back! I wish you would've never came back!" She screams crying then charges past Harry, not noticing him, and runs up to her room, Liam following behind her.

"What the hell did you do to my girlfriend!?" Harry comes up right in front me.

"I-I don't know." My eyes start to water.

Harry grunts then goes back inside with anger written all over his face.

I think about the words Lily screamed at me.

I wish you would've never came back

I think for a while about those words. Then I decide, to pack up and leave, without anyone knowing.

She won't miss me. 

For sure. 

First Kiss~ A Niall Horan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now