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What's wrong with me? Why can't I breathe? How did I forget how to breathe? Do I need my inhaler? Someone help please!...........

My mind is a prison it makes me ove analyize situations that are petty and minor that even aren't that big of a problem to be fussing over, but oh no my mind..i-it..makes me impotent. I can walk in a room full of people and be okay for five minuntes but my lovely little friend called anxiety comes along and puts these nasty thoughts in my head and suddenly im a social outcast and incapable of human interaction. I'm a hermit I stay inside and don't....well can't talk to anyone they wouldn't understand they'd think it's all in my head which it is but it's much much more.I overhear conversations about me which I asume are never good I worry about everything school, finding a job, if im pretty enough, smart enough, or good enough for anybody or anything. Im a prisoner in my own mind I can't escape it I need consatnt reassureance if im doing a good job or not. I am an insucre anxiety depressed riddled mess. I don't know if i can be fixed....I-I'm sacred.

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