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First year of college well community college that is. It's not that big of deal right? I mean it's nothing to worry about its just that this justifies and is completely based around your entire future and life, it's a key point in your  life where you're judged oh how well you can read or test high on one of the professors shitty ass exams oh ans if they don't like you then you're fucked because you will get scrutinized for every single littlething that you do. You will also be judged and tested on how well you're able to balence school and work and in the near futer how much good of a job you'll get to pay off thoes nasty student loans or financial aid back for not finishing because you dropped out. It was too much pressure you had said everyone was hounding you asking how school was going and you just said fine even when it wasn't because while you faked a nice little smile you knew your undying anxiety was killing anxious all the time worrying if your going to fail.  It feels like you can't breathe right feels like you're drowning in notes and deadlines.uh4frf ijoqerijoedfjejfjofwjrfkorfkocrfkocfkocdwmivnkevfnevfijnoefvijowkovnerwriohvbqeuhvoifjvceowkciopdjc8r09cu489fy298fuc389cty2487yv28935igjfo2ijr1y hj24b3rjo'neuqerbviuqec09r 390u3 u3q98 uy'8tcu3 ueiuf. Hey hitting your head on the keybored won't make you any smarter, I mean that's why you're in school right that's why you're here. 

"Everybody is a genuis but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it's stupid."-Albert Enistine 

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