Death pt.2

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He is death and I just might greet him with open arms. We've talked about me leaving with him a few times but I don't know if I can do it and if I did would that be selfish of me? Who would miss me if I leave? Would they even care? These are the questions I ask him and his response is always this, " Child these are only questions that you can ask yourself if you are that unsure ask them," but what he seems to not understand is that the people around me are sensitive when I bring you up they don't like talking about you like I do. " Just ask them and hear their response, and what do you mean they don't like to talk about me I am Death I am just important as life if they're not comfortable with talking about me then they are the ones who have a problem. Death is part of life and life is part of Death we are both one." I listen to his words and talk to him someone more he's a very good listener and great advice giver. It's funny because I never knew Death to be so optimistic, but in what he says always makes me think twice about my words. I never thought I would say this but he's my best friend.

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