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You want to know what fuck you and you too. Matter of fact you can go fuck each other. You constantly put me in the middle of your petty disputes and like always in the end I'm the asshole right? WRONG! Look at how childish you both act, who'd think some adults would never grow of that stage, and you especially how dare you sit on the phone and cry to me about how much you miss then when I come to visit you don't want me there. Just- HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! I can't even begin to tell you how livid I am. I live far and you think gas is cheap no. How dare you make me feel like I'm not as important as you make me seem, you give me false hope and sense of security like I can't even go to you for anything anymore like I have nowhere else to go. What happened to I'll always love you kid and you always have a home here was that another bullshit lie fed to me to make yourself feel so seem like less of an asshole. And oh don't I didn't for get about you, yup that's right come back here. You are the most greedy, narcissistic, selfish person I've ever come across you spew out such foul and hateful words towards me and turn around and act like everything is is okay. WHAT?!? How is that okay, what the fuck am supposed to do when you constantly make me feel like a worthless piece of crap and practically say I've ruined your life. That's bullshit I never asked to be brought into this world. It's funny how you think I had a choice. I have so much other shit to say but I don't want to talk anymore. Before I go I want to say this you guys ask me why I'm on meds we'll look in the mirror and you'll find your answer.

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