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do you love me or lust for me?you see there's a big difference between the two and most confuse lust for love. lust is sexual desire and that's all but love it's much more,

love is seeing that one person and wanting to wake up next to them every morning 

love is unconditional and you become so blind to their past and current mistakes 

love is being there in their worst possible moments and say everything is okay even when is not

 look i could go on and on about what love is but i think you get the point, i-i love you more than anything or anyone when im not at my best i just want to hear your voice you dont even have to say anything just be there. I want to be with you all the time i want you and nobody else but I dont think you want me and that is why i question you all the time so i'll ask this last and final question. 

do you love me or do you lust for me?

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