Alter Ego

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Why can't I be the other me the me that's cool and calm that doesn't worry about what others think or say. I want to be the other me so bad but something in my mind just goes blank when I try or does some weird dorky stupid shit that always says the wrong thing. I always befriend the wrong people and end up getting hurt, I ALWAYS overthink myself into a shit mood where I constantly want to die but can never go through with offing myself. I'm a coward. A fraud. A fake. A hoe. A bitch. Stuck up. Rude...... But other me knows the right thing to say always other me is amazing and intelligent, gorgeous, and confident. The other me is so elegant and graceful too her words and voice sound like rain drops when they hit the ground. Her hair is gorgeous as her face is she looks looks as beautiful as the stars in the sky, and her knowledge is beyond my reach hell I'd call her a genius. She is all of those things and I am not I try so hard but everyone just ends up hating me and leaving me. WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS LEAVE! I-I just hope that one day I can be like her.

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