"Best Friend"

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You were never my "best friend" you were a silver tongued fox who's words and actions were okay to bare with for a while. You were someone I thought I could share part of my life, laughter, and secrets with I was stupid enough to believe the black and white lies you spoke and the web of disrespect and self doubt you wove into my very mind, I sat there asking myself "Would I be who I am today if I had never met you?," you had always made me feel second best like I was never good enough or pretty enough to even have a guy look at me first without wanting you. You'd always pawn off your cast aways to me as if I'm not better than that, I had always felt like I was living in your shadow I felt like shit! I'll admit you've helped from time to time but not how I've help you oh no this was a one sided friendship, you remember all those time you said you wanted to kill yourself over a guy wanting to break up with you do you remember that? You remember how many times I've talked you out of it and yet you still protested that you couldn't live without him or you die... Well bitch you're still here aren't you? Ooo I remember when you had gotten into a new relationship and the nigga was cheating right but and I and our friend was over for the weekend only to be ditched cuz you had to go "talk to him" may I mind we both lived half way across town. Wow and we're the shit friends right?
You always wanted to up his ass and shit we'd involve you in shit yet still protest so don't get mad when we hang out with each other. We were honest with you, you were the one who had gotten mad sorry toots don't ask for the truth if you can't handle it. After your beef with them I still tried but then out of the blue I get called fake bitch for minding my business. All I have to say is... HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! After all the shit I delt with for 5 fucking years wasn't worth it only to be treated like I'm nothing. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! Shit there and tell me I wouldn't be shit without Im doing just fine. Just-HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! Fuck you have a nice life you BITCH!!

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