Purple Doors and Yellow Windows

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I'm going to try and update as much as I can before I return to school. Enjoy.

The Alpha did not appreciate being called 'Mr. Roach' and after a warning from Emily, Vanessa begrudgingly called him Luke, his first name. They talked and Emily and I listened and then we said our goodbyes and promised to call in the morning.

Alpha held Emily close to his side as they escorted us out, his hand holding her back from hugging us completely. It was cute but also highly annoying. She cried a little when were going but one kiss from her mate and she was fine.

I rolled my eyes at her and she laughed at me, her eyes filling with sadness. She was starting a new chapter in her life and neither of us knew if that included me. I hoped it did and I hoped Emily wanted it to as well.

The car ride home was mainly silent, filled only by the soft jazz playing quietly in the car. Vanessa was crazy and never failed to surprise me but this music was sad. She was letting go of her daughter. 

I wanted to tell her that she would still be able to see Emily and that Emily wouldn't change while she was gone but I couldn't be certain of these things so I remained quiet. Emily would be a perfect Luna, she would think of everybody elses' needs before her own, unlike me. I was selfless but to an extent and that always annoyed me.

If I ever needed Emily, she would drop everything that she was doing and help me. I would too, if I wasn't breaking any rules or if I wasn't really tired. There's always an 'if' that comes with being friends with me and Emily didn't care. Most people would but she didn't and I loved her for it. She understood that anything even remotely social drained my energy.

I was dropped off outside my house and after hugging my mom, I went to bed. 

The next day, I was up before it was bright out. I cleaned my room, organised my books, tried to write some more. My mind refused to be deterred from Emily. I obsessively went over what the Alpha was like in my head. Would he treat her right? Would I see her soon?

My questions were soon answered when my phone rang at seven a.m. 



I grinned at the happiness in my best friends voice. I was expecting there to be some sadness, maybe tinged with love. An ex mistress made herself known and Emily was pissed. She gushed about how nice he was to her and how he had a clean history, she even asked the servants about it.

"He's amazing in bed too, Wen, so gentle! Yet rough." She squealed. I cringed away from the phone.

"Ew, Emily, that is so gross." She ignored me and talked more about how amazing her mate was in bed, getting very descriptive. I rolled my eyes and decided to get through it. I walked around my bed, standing on my tippy toes before falling back onto my heels.

"Wendy, I have something to tell you." The hesitation in her voice had me dropping back down onto my heels. 

"What's wrong? Oh my God, are you pregnant?" 

"No! God no, I told him I want to wait a few years and he completely understood. No, what I wanted to tell you was that, um, we're getting married. Tomorrow and I want you to be the maid of honour." She said in one breath. I froze.

"Already?! Tomorrow! Who's doing your make up and hair?"

"Well, I was hoping you would do everyones hair and makeup..." She trailed off. I took a deep breath.

"O.K. I'll do it. Are you sure you want me to be the maid of honour? What about your sisters?" The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them and I regretted them as soon as I said them.

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