Chapter 1

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I loved collecting pebbles...


It was Tuesday morning and I decided to go down to the beach like I usually did before work. I'd been going to that beach ever since I was little with my grandparents. I never had the chance to meet my parents as they disappeared when I was a baby without reason. I didn't really mind though because my grandparents were the best.

I would always go to the beach for one reason: pebbles. I'd always had a penchant for them. Their smooth sides, the way they shone and sparkled when they were wet and the fact that they were all different and unique.

I had 683 beautiful pebbles in my collection and each one was different from the other. Although they were all charming, 5 of them stood out amongst the rest. I had found them together in a pile right in the middle of the beach; all alone. From far away they looked like ordinary pebbles, but if you looked closely you could see that they all aligned to create a circle. Each side joined together perfectly.

The first pebble was bright orange with red lines running through it and a shiny coating. It reminded me of a live fire when the red lines seemed to move.

The second pebble was entirely black. It was the smoothest and the shiniest of them all. It was a mysterious looking rock.

The third pebble was longer than the rest and was a light green colour. It was heavy and had a marble effect to it.

The fourth pebble was a bright yellow colour. It had gentle orange lines running through it and was almost a perfect circle.

The final pebble was a dark blue colour. Not navy, but more of a cobalt. It had one white ring around the middle and was a very odd shape.

These were my special rocks. They felt alive.

Hello everybody! I know that this is a very strange beginning for a book but I just wanted to do something different. Don't worry, it all links to Guns n Roses if you haven't yet realised.
Thanks for reading xx

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