Chapter 6

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I got home and slumped onto the sofa. It couldn't be true. My grandparents could never do something that disgusting, especially kill my parents. These guys couldn't be serious. I didn't like how they were trying to make me believe their stupid skit.

I got up from the sofa after a while of thinking and went to my grandparent's room. It smelt like cigarettes and roses. I loved that smell. Sighing, I plopped down onto the bed and layed on my back. I looked up to the blank, white ceiling and my eyes travelled along the dull room until landing on something poking from the desk drawer. Out of curiosity, I wondered over to the piece of oak furniture and pulled out the large drawer; it was unusually heavy. I had never dared to go through my grandparents belongings becuase they had always told me that it was extremely disrespectful. I guess I thought differently that day. Inside was a whole stash of blueprints and documents. The blueprints were of something called "The American Government Complex" and strange devices. The documents had series of numbers and codes written all over them. However, one stood out the most. It read "Death Count". I wasn't the best at reading but I also wasn't stupid. I read down the list of about 60 names until my eyes stopped on two specific ones. Renee Rain and Curtis Rain. Those were the names of my parents. Why were they on the list?

I started to believe those crazy men. They weren't lying. My grandparents must've killed my parents unless these were somebody else's papers. No one ever came to our apartment so they couldn't be.
I continued to read the next part which was titled "Next To Die" There were less names on this list and my name was one of them. Oh my god. They were right. I needed to get out of there immediately.

I remembered that Duff gave me his number so I fumbled with my bag before unfolding the screwed up paper with shaking hands. I rushed over to the phone and dialed his number. While it rung, I started to sob. Why would they do something like this? I thought they loved me.
After what felt like forever, I heard a click and a croaky 'hello' come from the speaker.
"Duff!" I cried into the phone.
"Phoebe?!" His voice sounded more awake now that I had screamed at him suddenly.
"I believe everything! Please help me!" I sniffed and began to sob louder.
"Listen to me, Phoebe. You need to pack all of your stuff up and meet me outside. What's your address?" I could hear shuffling from the other side so I supposed that Duff was putting some clothes on. I then realised that I never took note of my address.
"I don't know!" I wailed loudly and rubbed my sore eyes.
"It's OK." I heard alot more shuffling before he continued speaking.
"Izzy will probably know it."

The phone went silent. Tears pricked my eyes as they threatened to fall down my already soaked cheeks. I held the phone to my chest and cried a little more before shoving it down roughly and speeding to my room.

I grabbed a navy duffle bag and set about getting all my stuff together which wasn't much. I tugged a few pieces of clothing off the hangers and threw them in along with my hairbrush, toothbrush, some art supplies and my mascara. I chucked an extra pair of trainers in just incase and my precious pebbles. Then I pulled the sketch of Duff off the wall and folded it up before placing it on top of my belongings. I zipped up the bag and swung it around my shoulder. Stopping to check that I had got everything, I heard a beep from outside my window. I looked out to see a shiny black car and Duff's face in the front seat.
I debated on whether to take the keys or not. I decided not to seeing as I wouldn't be coming back any time soon.

Just as I was going to finally be free, I heard voices coming from behind the door and the keys in the lock.
It opened to reveal my grandparents.
"Oh, hi sweetie." My grandma spoke in a sickly sweet voice that I then realised was fake. She attempted to envelope me into a hug but I backed away. I didn't know what they could be trying to do.
Both my grandparent's expressions turned sour as they scowled at me.
"Where do you think you're going young lady?!" My grandpa spat in my direction with his hands resting on his hips.
"Out" I cowered away slightly becuase I had never seen that side of them before.
"Did we give you permission to do that?" My grandma shut the door while still making eye contact.
"No. But I saw those fucking documents!" I screamed as anger took over me and the new word I had learnt that day came into play.
"Excuse me? Did you just swear?!"
"Yes, I did, you dickhead!"

My grandma yanked my arm with a more forceful grip than I could have imagined and shoved me into my room, shutting the door swiftly. I tried to open it but found that it was locked from the outside. I couldn't leave Duff waiting and risk him knocking on my door, so I pushed up my window. The cold wind calmed my fustrated mind and I looked down to see Duff still waiting in his car. He was looking a little worried and impatient so I needed to hurry up.

I stuck my head out of the window and grabbed onto the drainpipe that was fixed to the length of the building. After struggling with my bag for a while, I managed to wrap my legs around the pipe. I had never done something that insane before but it felt good to be bad. I slid down little by little until getting to the bottom. I let my legs dangle before jumping down and onto the ground. We only lived on the second floor so it wasn't too much of a task. However, my luggage made it alot more difficult than it should have been.

Duff spotted me straight away and relief seemed to wash over his face. He rushed out of the car and jogged up to me.
"Oh my god. I was so worried about you. I'm so happy that you made it out safely." Duff wrapped his arms around me and brought me in for a squeeze. The stupid bag got in the way so I couldn't get my hands around to hug him back. Instead, they just brushed his sides akwardly.
He let go after a while and we just stood there.
"Shall we go?" I didn't want to know what my grandparents would do to me if they found that I had escaped.
"Oh yeah sure. Get it the car." I did as I was told as he got into the other side. I sat on the sticky leather seats and closed the door. I had never been in a car before; we would always walk to the grocery store or the music shop. I had a feeling that we weren't going to either of those places that day.

The interior was mostly black leather with red embellishments here and there. It looked and smelt clean which made me afraid that I would mess up something. I pulled the shiny black ribbon over my body and clicked it into the box just like Duff had done before he sped away. The car journey had been silent for 6 minutes and 47 seconds before I spoke up.
"Where are we going?"
"Your home for the next few months." He replied while keeping a serious expression and his eyes fixed on the road...

Ooo some suspense. Where are they going? You'll find out in the next chapter ;)

My instagram is @axlisabean if you want to check that out. Thanks!

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