Chapter 9

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"Can you just shut the fuck up!" Axl stormed into the room with his shoulders stiffened and his fists balled up.
"Do you want to do some dancing?" I asked.
"No I don't want to fucking dance! I'm trying to work and you little shits should be as well! At least Izzy is trying to make this situation easier by being helpful!" He marched over to the CD player and threw it on the floor causing parts to explode all over the floor.
"Now get on with your fucking work! I'm sick of you messing around all the time with that girl!"
"Axl! I just bought that CD player!" Steven exclaimed with a tear in his eye as he knelt down next to the carnage and picked up the pieces.
All this was getting a little too much for me so I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. I heard Duff and Steven yelling for different reasons and Axl smash multiple things. I sat on the cold ceramic toilet seat and brought my knees to my chest. I had never felt so insecure and frightened. Maybe this is what my grandparents wanted to protect me from.

I heard a knock at the door and someone quietly calling my name. I opened my eyes to find that I was laying on the hard tiled floor. I must've fallen asleep because it was completely silent in the house.
My name was called again and the door handle was rattled. I stood up and unlocked the door to find Axl standing in the dark holding something in his hands.
"Look, I'm really sorry for shouting and scaring you earlier. I was just stressed about work and the guys weren't helping me with anything. I brought you some sweets to say sorry."
He handed me the yellow bag which I took and set down on the sink.
"Can I come in and talk?"
"Yeah, sure." I moved from the doorway and allowed him to come inside. I shut and locked the door because it made me feel safer.
Axl was wearing something very different from his usual outfits. He had an oversized grey t-shirt on and a pair of red tartan pyjama bottoms. He also had some large glasses placed on the bridge of his nose. To be honest he looked completely harmless; nothing compared to his personality earlier.
We both sat down on the floor and crossed our legs. I placed the bag of sweets in the middle of us both.
We sat in silence for a while before Axl spoke.
"I've got an idea." He had a grin on his face while ripping the bag of sweets open. "You have to guess the flavour of the sweet when the other person puts it in your mouth." He poured all the individually wrapped squares on the floor and chucked the empty bag into the bath.
"Who's going first?" He asked while sorting the sweets into different piles according to their colour.
"I'll go first!" This game sounded fun. My grandparents never really allowed me to have sweets so I was excited.
"Right, I'm going to blindfold you so you don't peek. Do you have anything we could use?"
I then remembered that my scarf was in my bag. I had left it next to the dining table.
"I have a scarf in my bag. I'll go and get it." I opened the door and creeped out into the dark and desolate room. I stumbled around until I found my bag. I unzipped it and pulled out my scarf. It smelled just like home and comforted me. I got up and walked back to the bathroom to find Axl fiddling with the sweets on the floor while humming a tune.
"I got it!" I closed the door again and handed Axl the scarf before sitting back down on the floor.
He leant in very close and gently pushed the scarf onto my eyes. The last thing I saw was his orange hair dangling near my face and almost tickling my cheeks. He managed to successfully tie the scarf around my head preventing me from seeing what he was doing. I trusted him even though he scared me earlier. I adjusted it slightly to make it fit more comfortably.
"Right here goes the first one." I heard Axl unwrap one of the sweets and hold it up to my mouth.
I could already smell the delicious scent which made my mouth water.
"Open up." I opened my mouth and Axl popped the soft candy inside. I chewed for a bit before deciding that the flavour was blackcurrant. It reminded me of the juice I used to drink when I was younger.
I swallowed and told Axl my guess.
"Yay! You got it!" I smiled and took my blindfold off, passing it to Axl so he could have his go.
"Can you tie it up for me?" He gave me a little grin and held it onto his face.
"Sure." I leant in and fiddled with it until I was happy that it was securely tied.
I scanned over the variety of colours and flavours before deciding on a yellow one. I wasn't sure what the actual flavour was but I gave it to him anyway. I held it up to his mouth and told him to open. I put it inside and he almost instantly knew the answer. He smiled and swallowed the sweet.
"You picked my favourite flavour, pineapple!" He pulled the scarf from his face and allowed it to fall onto his neck. I had never had a pineapple flavoured thing before so I hoped that he would give it to me next. I wrapped my arms around his neck to untie the scarf but he obviously had other ideas and instead locked lips with me. I didn't feel the need to push him away and so I attempted to kiss him back. I was awkward with my actions but he seemed to guide me. His mouth tasted sweet and exotic just like the pineapple he had eaten. I had never done something so intimate with anyone before. It felt liberating but also so very wrong for whatever reasons I couldn't think of at that moment.
My hands slipped from his neck and onto my lap. We both pulled away slowly and sat there for a while not knowing what to do or say.
"I shouldn't have done that. I am so sorry. I should go." And with that Axl left taking the scarf with him, leaving me feeling slightly abandoned.

I needed a drink of water so I walked into the kitchen. I searched for a light because I couldn't see a thing. I finally found the switch and flicked it on. I picked up a glass that had been freshly washed and went over to the tap.
"I see you've been spending some quality time with Axl then."
A voice came out of no where making me jump and drop my glass onto the counter. Luckily it didn't smash.
I turned around to see Duff sitting on the sofa with a bottle of that horrible drink in his hand.

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