Chapter 11

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"Who is it?" Duff demanded from the other side of the door.
"It's me, Phoebe. Can I come in?"
I heard some rustling from inside and then the door clicked open. I was greeted with a grumpy looking Duff.
He poked his head out from behind the door in an attempt to cover his body but I could see that he was just wearing his boxer shorts.
"What do you want?" He had no emotion to his voice.
"Um, I just wanted to see if you were okay."
"Yeah, I'm fine." He slammed the door, leaving me feeling extremely rejected.
I decided to leave him be as he looked fed up and made my way to the living room. I desperately wanted to watch a movie so I wandered over to the TV and tried to turn it on. There were many buttons on the side so I pressed them all until a blue light appeared on the screen.
I waited for a few seconds before a man's face popped up and he spoke so loudly that it shook the cabinet. This was the second time that I had turned something on extremely loudly; the guys must've been deaf from listening to audio at such a high level. I started panicking as I couldn't find any buttons on the TV that turned the volume down.
"Ok. Ok. Ok." I muttered under my breath while fumbling with the buttons on the TV still. Suddenly, some upbeat music started playing which really frightened me and so I ended up knocking the TV off the cabinet. It fell to the floor with a loud crash. I ran my fingers through my hair as I was extremely stressed and attempted to pick it up. The music was still playing which meant it couldn't have been completely broken. However, when I picked it up, the screen was utterly smashed. I felt so bad.
"What the FUCK is going on?!" Duff walked in looking particularly annoyed.
"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to drop it. You see, it was on super loud and I tried to turn it down but I couldn't find the button and then it fell and-" I was feeling very flustered.
"Just go sit in my room. I'll talk to you in a minute."

I scuttled away to his room on the verge of tears. He was sick and I was just making his life so much more difficult.

I opened the door and perched on the edge of his bed. After a minute or two he walked in and shut the door behind him.
He sat down next to me still in his boxer shorts which made me feel slightly uncomfortable but also made me feel something strange in the pit of my stomach.

"Right, I'm not actually sick."
"Then why did you-" I was very confused.
"Sshh. I wanted to talk to you on my own and explain, you know, why I've been acting so weird. I also just wanted to spend a bit of time with you becuase, well" he combed his fingers through his hair. "I think you're really cool."

"Uh, thank you." I gave an awkward laugh.
I was more intrigued about what he was going to say.

"I know you would never lie to me so I want to apologise for not believing you last night. It's just that Axl is Axl and he can be a bit of a nightmare around girls, especially cool ones like you, so I had some suspicions. As long as you say nothing happened then I believe you."
He looked straight at me with his shining hazel eyes.
"Um..well." I was lost for words but he edged me on.
"You would never lie to me, right?"
"No, of course not. Nothing happened last night. Don't worry."

I lied twice.

"Good." Duff leaned in and wrapped his arms around me for a hug. His bare body against my clothed skin made me shiver. He smelt warm and inviting.
After a long while he let go but still held onto my arms slightly. He looked deeply into my eyes and gave me a shy grin, however I couldn't bear to look into his. I lowered my head with guilt. I lied to him and broke his TV.

"What's wrong?" Duff put his finger under my chin and lifted it up gently. He frowned and looked at my teary eyes.

"I lied. I'm so sorry, Duff. Axl kissed me last night and I told you we didn't do anything. I feel so disgusting." I allowed the tears to stream down my cheeks.

He let go of my chin and flopped his hand onto his lap, sighing.

"You see, Axl always does this. He fucks around with everybody, all the god damn time! Just, just stay away from him. And to say I ever trusted you." Duff got up and started getting dressed.

"I'm going to go meet the guys. I feel better. Don't fucking break anything else." He sounded almost robotic before rushing out of the room. I heard the front door shut and lock so I slumped on his bed feeling terrible about myself. I just wanted to go home...

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