Chapter 7

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After 34 minutes and 28 seconds, a few mumbles and some awkward moments, we finally made it to the destination. I looked out to see the shape of a smallish barn. It was already dark so I couldn't make it out very well. Duff stepped out of the car and jogged around to my side. He opened the door and extended his hand to my face. I didn't get why everyone kept putting their hands in my face. Maybe it was normal. I ignored his odd gesture and proceeded to grab my bag and step out of the car. I shut the door behind me with a fair amount of force so that it locked properly and caught up with Duff who was a few steps infront.

He had his hands buried deep in his pockets as he hummed a tune and stumbled along the gravely path.
"Why won't you talk to me?" I asked becuase we hadn't properly spoken since I had escaped which was precisely 41 minutes and 26 seconds ago.
"Sorry. I'm just thinking." He seemed to be acting a little bit differently but I couldn't figure out why.

The barn was surprisingly large inside, although, it was utterly empty.
"Are you sure we are in the right place?" My nervous voice echoed around the desolate space. I didn't want any creepy men jumping out and trying to touch my "lady parts". Duff chuckled before leaning down and pulling on a piece of rope. He lifted part of the floor up to reveal a grande wooden staircase.
"I'm sure. Ladies first." He gestured towards the dimly lit stairway. I was amazed that he had just lifted up the floor and so, stared at him in awe for a moment before carefully making my way down the worn steps.

Halfway down, I could hear murmurs and mumbles coming from the room. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to come face to face with Duff. I could see the small droplets of sweat forming on his forhead and the way his lips twitched ever so often. His breath caressed my skin as our mouths were millimetres away from each other. The wierd feeling that I kept getting came back as my breathing picked up speed.

"Duff? Phoebe?!" A loud, echoing shout came from behind us. We both spun around to see milkshake boy or rather, Steven, beaming from the bottom of the stairwell.
"Hi milkshake!" I skipped down the stairs, leaving Duff and greeted him with a wave.
"Hello, uh, teabag?" Steven seemed a bit puzzled by my strange new nickname for him but I guess he decided to play along.
"Come with me! I'll show you around!" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me into a nice sized room. To the left there was a little kitchen just like the one that was at the apartment. It had 3 cupboards above the workspace, some cupboards underneath, a sink and a fridge. To my right there were two scruffy looking sofas and a TV. I could finally watch TV like normal people! There was a little coffee table that was piled high with food, cans and glass bottles.

Before I could look any further, I was collided with a large bunch of sweaty men. They all nuzzled into me. It was, well, strange. I pulled away quite suddenly and saw the same expressions on all of their faces.This time I could see Slash's as he had put his hair in a low down ponytail.
"We are so glad that you're alright!" Axl rushed to say as he pulled me in for another hug. Everyone seemed to be checking my health that day.

I looked over his shoulder and saw Izzy sitting at the long 6 seat table. He had his head resting in his hands and a very serious look on his face. He wasn't staring at anything in particular.
When Axl finally let go of me I went over to check if he was alright. He didn't notice that I slid out a chair and plopped next to him.
"Hello Izzy. Are you alright?"
His head snapped in my direction abruptly, frightening me slightly.
"Oh, hello, Phoebe. I'm fine thanks." He grinned a little and then went back to staring again.

"Hey come on! I need to give you a tour!" Steven grabbed my wrist once again and dragged me off the chair. I almost tripped on one of the wooden legs which made both of us laugh. We started running off like little children about to plan something devilish but then Axl told us to come and sit down first so he could explain some things. Steven groaned before plodding back to the table and slumping into a chair.
"Why do you keep explaining stuff?" He whined, before placing his head on the table; his hair fluffing up in wierd places.
"Because I don't want anyone to be confused. OK!" Axl spat at Steven.
"Okay. God's sake." He said from under his hair.
"Now, act a bit more professional and stop fucking around!" Axl hissed through gritted teeth. He seemed extremely embarrassed by Steven's behaviour much like a parent would be with a child.
"Alright. Stop shouting at me all the time." He sat up and straightened his hair out.
Izzy seemed oblivious to the raised voices as he was still staring at nothing. I took a seat between him and Steven while Duff joined Axl at the opposite side of the table.
He didn't look at me.
Slash was sitting on the sofa drinking something brown. I had never seen coke in that sort of bottle before; a cube.
Axl called him over but he just grunted and took another swig.
"I'm literally loosing all of my patience with you lot! Why do you never listen?" He said, once again through gritted teeth, while he pinched his fingers together.
"Alright. Sheesh. Little bitchy ass boy." Slash spoke under his breath while strolling over to the table, drink in hand.
"Just sit down. Please." He pinched the bridge of his nose.
Slash pulled out the chair deliberately making a very loud noise to get on Axl's nerves even more. Although, I didn't see how that was possible.

"Right, Phoebe. I am sure that you understand what your grandparents are doing. I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this but we are here to keep you safe and protect you from those sorts of people. We, well Duff, brought you here because this is the most safe place which you can stay in at the moment. The CIS will be tracking and trying to capture your grandparents so there's nothing to worry about." He said.

"Basically what Axl is trying to say is that you are going to live with us and it's going to be super duper fun! We will have sleepovers every night and watch movies and eat loads of sweets and I can even paint your nails!" Steven's voice got higher and higher as he sped up his words. I was actually looking forward to staying with these guys after all.

"Where did you get nail polish from?" Duff asked Steven.

"Oh I just bought it one day ages ago." He blushed a little.

"Anyway let's go Phoebe!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me to a little walkway that I hadn't noticed before.


"Seriously Axl! Just let us go!" Steven moaned while still holding onto my hand. His hand was a bit sweaty but I didn't mind.

" We only have 4 beds. Slash sleeps on the couch so Phoebe is going to have to share with one of us."
Axl walked up to me slowly.
"So who do you want to share with?" His voice was low and almost a whisper.

I didn't know what to say. It seemed as if Axl was implying that he wanted to share with me. I didn't really want to share with him though.

"You can sleep on the couch with me if you want. I'm sure we'll be able to squish up together." I turned round to see Slash sitting back on the sofa, patting the space next to him.

The sofa didn't look very pleasant, so I passed.
"Um thanks, but I think I want to sleep with Duff." I said.
Axl looked from me to Duff and then stormed down the hallway to what I presumed was his bedroom. We heard a door slam and then everything was silent.

Duff gave me a little grin and before Steven pulled me away to finally give me a tour of the house.

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